U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 1:46 am UTC

All Pro Buildings 92-3148480 | Government Grant Application

All Pro Buildings | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 92-3148480

    Location: La Porte, IN, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: $100k to $250k

    Annual Gross Expense: $100k to $250k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    Our biggest expense is for telehandler rental, which is approximately $4700 every month. We can buy a decent machine around the $40k-$50k price tag. My request for funding is to make the down payment.

  • Business Plan

    By having the proper equipment readily available we can increase both our proficiency and efficiency by saving travel time to obtain the equipment and diminish our building delays considering the availability of equipment is scarce. By gaining the wasted time and guaranteeing we have the proper tools for the job my employees can prioritize work flow and gain a better understanding on the importance of efficiency. I built my first garage with my grandpa, Jerry, when I was 11 years old, it started off by grabbing him tools, preparing his materials, and watching him work. I watched him build over 60 garages over 2 summers until I turned 16 and got my license. Then he would task me out to build my own garages with a helper that was over twice my age. Over 2 more summers my helper and I built almost 40 garages together until I graduated high school and joined the Army. After 6 years of active duty I decided to return home and realized what I’m best at is serving and building garages. I took the experience my grandfather handed to me and the discipline instilled in me and started All Pro Buildings. When I got home from active duty I used all of the money I had saved and built a garage for me to live in and run my business out of. All of my friends and family who were eager to see me would come visit and watch me build my garage/home. Before I even got my business off the ground administratively, I was booked solid for over 6 months because everyone wanted their garage built by All Pro Joe. For months I focused on growing my very expensive arsenal of tools and lived very frugal. I worked 12 hour days 7 days a week and even had neighbors call the police on me for working on buildings late at night with an army issue headlamp on. My home was a dirt floor in my garage, every night I would turn on a propane heater to stay warm, run a generator to pump up my air mattress and sleep peacefully next to a pile of insulation and lumber. I showered at my gym and utilized the speedway by my house when I needed to go number 2. Even though I went from a real bed and 3 hot meals a day to sleeping on dirt, I was happier than I’ve ever been because I was building garages just like I did with my grandpa. Fast forwarding to today, I have a real bed, a furnace, and my own toilet. I have 5 employees and all the tools needed to build flawless structures. Except 1 thing, a telehandler. Telehandlers are used to move materials, lift trusses, and is even used as a platform to put personnel where the work is (which is sometimes 20 feet up. Renting these machines costs $4600 a month and plays a key role in the progression of large buildings. The rental companies in my area often don’t have one available due to union jobs always going on and No bank will give a loan big enough to purchase this equipment, especially to new/small businesses. By gaining a telehandler, I’ll be able to make my business much more proficient.

  • Self Identified Competition

    MilMar and FBI buildings are the only post frame specialists in my area. Both companies have been passed on for generations and are very well established. I’m the only first generation post frame specialist who is still in charge and is still in the workforce. MilMar and FBI both are no longer in the hands of their founders. The backbone in which these companies have grown off of is no longer a factor. The overall perception of them has plummeted and when people are paying high dollar for a product they only want the best.

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