U S G r a n t s . c o m
October 18, 2024, 5:47 am UTC

KP Fitness, LLC 87-1986707 | Government Grant Application

KP Fitness, LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 87-1986707

    Location: Portage, MI, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    With this money, I would be able to cover the construction costs of the third studio move, the main cost being the addition of a shower to the current space, and minor random construction projects. I would be able to make the new studio space exactly how I want it to be, it would help me to cover some of the additional expenses that come with a studio move- new mirrors for the walls, new signage for the building, and new marketing materials (with the new address). With this money, I would be able to bring more movement (fitness, yoga, and Thai Yoga Massage) to more people in my area... and that's all I want to do with my business. Most people don't understand how important it is physically, mentally, and emotionally to move your body on a regular basis!

  • Business Plan

    The current studio space is only 300 square feet, the new studio space that I plan to move to is over 1500 square feet. The new location has multiple rooms (this is a first for us!) so that we will be able to help more people in any given day. In the new space, there will be a separate massage room from the main fitness/yoga room, meaning massages can be happening WHILE classes are taking place! KP Fitness loves to connect with other local small businesses to bring yoga and movement to more people in any way that we can. In the past we have partnered with Western Michigan University, local breweries, local retail shops, donation-based classes with animal shelters, and classes in the park, anywhere we can bring classes, we will. In the new space, we are hoping to add extra amenities, such as Red Light Therapy, to help promote wellness in another way. Red Light can help emotionally and mentally as well as physically (like after a workout!). There are not many Red Light Therapy options in town and we hope to bring even more awareness to this wonderful concept. I am a women-owned business. This business started from my savings account, I have never had a loan and I was approved for my first small grant last month. Starting and owning this business after Covid has not been the easiest adventure. I pride myself in being able to take on challenges without help, but here I am, looking for help. Expanding the business and being able to provide more jobs to more people is starting to become more than I can financially handle on my own. I am hoping to be approved for more grants before I start looking into loans. I am constantly being told that the business I have started has helped different people in so many different ways, those who came from a dark place during Covid have found a home, those who have not physically taken care of themselves in years have started moving, those who have had major surgery are moving better, the list goes on. I know that with just a little funding help I will be able to do great and amazing things instead of stressing about the finances of the business!

  • Self Identified Competition

    Two main hot yoga studios in town- Intentional Yoga and Bent 9 Hot Yoga and Fitness In Kalamazoo, MI we have two big heated yoga studios, you either like hot yoga or you don't. We used to have an unheated (meaning room temperature) but it closed due to Covid. I'm striving to fill that gap in our town by being the main unheated yoga studio! We offer over 30 weekly classes, plus private sessions (in studio, virtual, and in-home), and we offer Thai Yoga Massage. We are a one-stop place for anyone looking to add movement to their life.

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