U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 3:42 am UTC

Clarigent Health 824263428 | Government Grant Application

Clarigent Health | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 824263428

    Location: Mason, OH, United States

    Length of Operation: 6-10

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: $250k to $500k

    Annual Gross Expense: $1M to $10M

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    1. Product Development and Innovation ($500,000): • Research and development initiatives to enhance existing products. • Prototyping and testing of new features and offerings. • Hiring additional skilled engineers and designers. 2. Market Expansion and Sales Growth ($1,000,000): • Launch targeted marketing campaigns to increase brand visibility. • Expansion into new geographical markets. • Strengthening sales teams and distribution channels. 3. Technology Infrastructure and IT Systems ($200,000): • Upgrade and maintain existing IT infrastructure. • Implement cutting-edge cybersecurity measures. • Enhance data analytics capabilities. 4. Operational Scaling and Efficiency ($100,000): • Streamlining and optimizing internal processes. • Training and development programs for employees. • Implementation of cost-effective management systems. 5. Compliance and Regulatory Measures ($400,000): • FDA regulatory clinical trial and legal. • Ensure adherence to industry regulations and standards. • Conduct regular audits to maintain legal and regulatory compliance. 6. Working Capital and Contingency ($300,000): • Ensure a healthy cash flow for day-to-day operations. • Provide a financial buffer for unforeseen challenges or opportunities.

  • Business Plan

    Clarigent is poised for strategic and sustainable growth over the next five years. Our roadmap for expansion is rooted in a comprehensive and forward-thinking strategy that leverages our strengths, embraces innovation, and addresses emerging market trends. Market Penetration and Diversification: We currently have penetrated less than 0.02% of each of the markets that we are engaged in. Our primary focus for the next five years is to grow organically by deepening our presence in existing markets while exploring opportunities for diversification. Through targeted marketing initiatives, customer engagement programs, and the introduction of new product lines, we aim to solidify our position as a market leader. By understanding and responding to the evolving needs of our customer base, we anticipate significant market share growth across key segments. Innovation as a Catalyst: Innovation lies at the heart of our growth strategy. Over the next five years, we plan to invest substantially in research and development, fostering a culture of creativity and continuous improvement. This commitment to innovation will result in the introduction of new cutting-edge products and services, ensuring that we not only meet but exceed customer expectations by providing to them products and services that they have not yet imagined needing. By staying ahead of industry trends, we aim to be at the forefront of technological advancements and emerging market demands. Global Expansion and Strategic Partnerships: Recognizing the interconnected nature of the global economy, our growth plan includes a targeted expansion into new geographical markets. We will pursue strategic partnerships and collaborations with local businesses to navigate cultural nuances and regulatory landscapes successfully. This expansion will not only broaden our customer base but also enhance our resilience to regional economic fluctuations. Human Capital Development: Our growth strategy extends beyond financial metrics to the development of our most valuable asset—our people. Over the next five years, we will prioritize employee training and development programs, fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation. This includes all aspects of the company including technology, science, clinical, etc. A skilled and motivated workforce will be instrumental in driving the execution of our growth initiatives and adapting to evolving market dynamics. Clarigent Health can measure mental health from a person’s voice in about 5 minutes. It’s backed by almost 20 years of clinical research and identifies suicide, depression, and anxiety risk missed by other methods. By bringing science to mental health, we help empower clinicians to help save lives and improve outcomes while increasing access to mental health professionals. Suicides account for about 1 million deaths globally every year, but only 1 in 7 people who died by suicide had contact with mental health services the year before their death. Surprisingly, 6 in 7 of these people received some health service in that same year. Therefore, most of the 55+ Million People in the U.S. needing mental health support are being overlooked and missed. Even when identified, they must wait an average of six weeks (which can stretch into months) to see a qualified mental health professional, as 47% of the U.S. population lives in a mental health workforce shortage area. Today’s reliance on self-reporting and clinical observation, coupled with inadequate tools make it virtually impossible to find and help those needing support. Moreover, most telehealth startups avoid suicide, and no population health solutions exist. Just like an X-ray, MRI, or blood test can provide physicians with objective biomarkers about physical health, the Clairity stand-alone smart app uses vocal biomarkers to help detect subtle warning signs of suicide, depression, and anxiety. A simple five-minute interview provides a voice sample to the system, which returns a result within one minute, allowing for real-time clinical decision support. Patients can be monitored over time, establishing a baseline for comparison. A virtual agent version facilitates population health applications. It can be integrated into any mental health service, including telehealth platforms, behavioral health applications, primary care, EAP services, and school or community screenings. Clarigent was founded by executives that have successfully done this before, with technology that is industry changing and literally lifesaving, and is poised for substantial and sustainable growth in the near future and beyond.

  • Self Identified Competition

    The primary competition is telehealth providers and platforms. They help address access, but almost all avoid suicide and do not provide population health solutions. In addition, Clarigent Health is a perfect partner for these applications as it can integrate into any existing mental health service. Five issued U.S. patents; eight successful clinical trials. The core technology originated at Cincinnati Children’s (the largest pediatric research center in the world), where original analyses were done on the largest-ever collection of suicide notes by bereaved families. It then was researched and developed for almost 20 years leading to the products that we offer today.

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