U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 1:45 am UTC

Oh I Like That Music LLC 92-2426842 | Government Grant Application

Oh I Like That Music LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 92-2426842

    Location: Farmers Branch, TX, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    We plan on using the funding to produce five 5 track albums for 2024. This will allow us to pay the songwriter and composer $500 each to create the works needed. The remaining $5,000 would cover operational expenses, marketing expenses, admin and website maintenance. Keeping our site up to date and running allows clients to visit and search our catalog to license music for Tv and film.

  • Business Plan

    Over the next 5 years we plan on producing high quality albums that meet demand in the production music industry. By focusing on high ticket items like trailers and music production for video games, we increase our profits significantly by being able to license those works for thousands of dollars. With such profits we will be able to re-invest in our business growing our catalog. This will contribute to making us a competitor with top production music companies like Universal Production Music Group and Warner Chappell Production Music. We plan on doing extensive networking to acquire more clients that license from us directly. We have already started reaching out to sub-publishers internationally and have been presented with an offer. International partnerships allow us to compete and gain global exposure. We will also engage in Sub-publishing deals with other independent music libraries to be added to our catalog which contributes to increasing the number of works clients have to choose from for their media projects. With all of these efforts in place we will see substantial growth over the next 5 years. Investors should invest in Oh I Like That Music because they would be ultimately investing in their entertainment and media needs. We produce high quality works that is currently loved and heard all over the world. We currently are responsible for the NBA TV Game Time show theme song. We provide the music to some of your favorite shows, networks and games. Our entire business focuses on giving back and contributing to society in a major way. It’s highly unlikely that when you turn on your tv you won’t hear music to go along with the video. When you hear our music the only thing that comes to mind is “Oh I Like That”.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Our top 3 competitors consists of Universal Production Music Group, Warner Chappell Production Music and APM Music. Each competitor has over 100,000 tracks available for licensing and usage in tv and film. Unlike our competitors we are an independent and minority owned business. Our business consists of independent artists, composers and songwriters coming together to build the next largest production music company in the world. Our competitors are companies ran by executives and individuals who just own catalogs and music libraries.

  • Contact Applicant

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