U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 3:42 am UTC

Highest Ground Healing LLC Highest Ground Healing LLC | Government Grant Application

Highest Ground Healing LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: Highest Ground Healing LLC

    Location: Hartford, WI, United States

    Length of Operation: 6-10

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    To pay off my Business Loan that has been extended and connected with my parents house. Also, I have some personal loans to pay back and want to go to Naturopathy School (4 year 26000) to bring more tools to my tool box.

  • Business Plan

    Go to Massage Schools and like minded Professional Schools to recruit potential Staff. Keep looking for like minded Professionals to share my office. I have a wonderful following with my business and am turning down potential clients. My name is out in my community and I do a lot of Networking through local businesses, groups, and Chamber. Health and Wellness are so more important these days more then ever! I want to be able to take my extraordinary story of my health struggles and be the "light" in someone else's darkness as I know first hand that pain, illness, and emotions can get a person very down and in the dark. I am a sole provider, never been able to find a man, companion, support system to be with me or marry me over these years of being so ill. I always wanted a family and my health has literally taken this away from me as I cannot Bear Children. This Business that I have had for 9 years is my Purpose Passion and Dream. I can fulfil my Joy and others' by Nurturing as I cannot a child and found Mr. Right! I am strong, independent and a go getter!

  • Self Identified Competition

    2 big Salons in the area with abilities to offer more services(due to chemicals that affect my health I cannot be in a place like that) Another Facial and Massage Place(the owner opened after me and "stole" my ideas and has her health and money to back her business-hard lesson to me as I am too trusting of a person and not here in this lifetime to be selfish) I am an Esthetician who believes that you cannot chase age with chemicals or services on the skin's surface-it comes from with-in. I am a Massage Therapist who has experienced an extreme amount of physical pain, mental pain, and emotion pain that helps me connect and have compassion for my clients. With the Grant I will be able to be more to my clients and community as I want to get my Naturopathic Degree. That would set me apart in my community because Hartford does not have an NP yet. I also have the modality of CNMT(Certified Neuromuscular Therapy), Craniosacral, and Visceral Manipulation(Both Upledger Institute)!

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