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September 8, 2024, 1:46 am UTC

Sale Seeker 93-2007274 | Government Grant Application

Sale Seeker | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 93-2007274

    Location: Mesa, AZ, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    The funding I am requesting will be used to get the app created and coded, advertised and brought into public light via social media channels and search optimization. I will also be using a portion of this funding to help pay for a business incubator and accelerator so that I can get my app created and to market the best and fastest way possible.

  • Business Plan

    In the next 5 years I plan to grow my business with the help of a business incubator and accelerator specifically designed for startup apps. I will be using all media channels at my disposal including social media, Google, Yelp, television and subscription based service ads. I also run several social media channels for the app in order to engage with the public in as many ways as possible. Within 5 years Sale Seeker will be the go to app for helping people find and have garage sales. I am going to continue to learn about how the media landscape changes over time, and how best to reach people. I am going to be implementing new ideas, and learning new ways to succeed as I go along. Because Sale Seeker is going to change the way we do garage sales. Ever since I was a child, it's always been the same; drive around all over the place and try to find a sale and hope they're not only still having the sale but that they've got things you want. Sale Seeker aims to change that by putting everything in one place, on ONE app. Not only will this app be helpful for people who are looking to have and find garage sales, but this app is going to have features for Resellers as well as Estate Sale Companies, all the way down to junk removal and dumpster rentals for when your sale is over. The reselling industry is set to hit over $300 Billion within the next 3 years, and Sale Seeker aims to take a huge chunk of that pie! We are going to be your one stop garage sale shop, and there's nothing quite like this on the market. Sale Seeker is going to not only help with garage sales and putting money back in people's pockets, but it will also reduce carbon emissions! No more driving around aimlessly, not to mention keeping items out of landfills. It makes the roads safer in neighborhoods because you know where you're going, instead of driving around not paying attention, and it will even help boost the economy. When you're able to sell the things you own in your home already, easily, you're going to have more money to spend on things you love doing, or simply paying a bill.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Currently the "top competitor" in my area are one app called Yard Sale Treasure Map, this app is the only really usable app in the app store at the moment that even does some of the things Sale Seeker will be capable of. It has a map with pins of sales near you, and you can upload your own sale directly to the app; unfortunately not only is this app unattractive and not intuitive to use, but it generally imports it's listings directly from places like Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist. Causing the problem of stale listings with not enough information. This particular app is somewhat bare in what it can do, but it is out in the store and available. The second company that would be any kind of competitor would probably be Facebook Marketplace (FBMP). The biggest issue with FBMP is that the listings tend to be old, and incomplete. So, not only is your listing, and your address still floating around online after your sale is over, but you end up with people thinking you're still having a sale when you're not. Their search algorithm for things like yard and garage sales tends to skew "weird" for some reason and a lot of the sales get lost or don't show. Also, I find that the older and younger population don't really use the Facebook app just in general. FBMP has a limited audience of users, and they all tend to be Millennial and Gen Z, when we're trying to target every single market. The last competitor would probably have to be Craigslist, simply because it's been around the longest and has the name recognition. Craigslist is simply an online classified section, and does offer information on garage and yard sales, but again they don't delete automatically after the sale is over and so your information stays online longer. Also, that's all you get, just whatever is in the ad. There is no map with pins of sales in your area, or most of the time there aren't even photos of the sale let alone an address. It's far too bare, and very simple. Sale Seeker offers a one stop shop for having and finding garage sales. Our listings go live a few days before your sale begins, and then deletes from the app the day after your sale is over; so you don't have to worry about your information. Each listing has photos, along with times and a clear address so you know where you're going and what will be there when you get there. When you search for sales near you, you're brought to a map that shows you where the sales are near you so you know how far you've got to travel. Not only does Sale Seeker do all of this but it also has special subscription tools and tiers for Resellers and Estate Sale Companies with inventory and mileage trackers exportable at the end of the year for taxes! And when you're all done you can find junk removal or dumpster rental in your area to help end your garage sale simply and easily. Sale Seeker is your one top garage sale shop!

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