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September 8, 2024, 3:58 am UTC

Pineland Research Station, LLC (dba Carolina Educa 1857995 | Government Grant Application

Pineland Research Station, LLC (dba Carolina Educa | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 1857995

    Location: Southern Pines, NC, United States

    Length of Operation: 6-10

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    Admin overhead* $975 Event planning & execution** $2,400 Academic Year 2023-24 School Expo event $1,200 (in execution) Academic Year 2024-25 School Expo event $1,200 (in planning) Office expenses*** $11,500 Mgmt compensation $7,000 Contract support for projects**** $15,000 * Insurance, business registration, legal fees **Rentals, insurance, event materials, event marketing, reimbursements, reservation deposits ***Hardware, software apps purchase & subscriptions, digital security (software is analytical software apps, client support apps, and online survey apps to support multiple nonprofit client research needs) **** Projects include specific requirements for annual Expo planning and execution and for research support to the Expo, as well as research support throughout the year to specific stakeholders.

  • Business Plan

    *In five years, we will be a driver of change in North Carolina. We will have an annual Expo that draws people from many counties across NC. We will have influenced policy at the State level. *We are currently executing our 3rd annual Moore County School Choice Expo wherein we exhibit the full range of K-12+ academic institutions, and supporting organizations, and service providers available to the full range of students in Moore County, NC. Previously, the Expo was run by an ad hoc team of volunteers who met by accident in 2021. That group made the Expo what is it today: it is already the largest such event in our region (Moore County, NC and the surrounding 8 counties). The Expo and the website are just the beginning. Carolina Education Lab performs two simultaneous activities: 1) the annual Expo, and 2) research into the many factors, trends, and patterns that drive the institutions and functions of primary & secondary education In Moore County. *Next year, we intend to grow both branches (the Expo event and the research system). We will host the largest education-focused event in the NC Piedmont region focused on rural communities and schools. We have already begun providing grassroots and data-based research and feedback to the schools and to our local community college. And throughout the year we provide research to support decisions and public awareness of those decisions. *We provide answers to parents and executives of academic institutions to help them make good, timely, and trustworthy decisions. We help those primary stakeholders understand the right questions that will help our community core: our children. *Generation Z and Generation Alpha are subject to a diffused education system of systems that is out of alignment. Public schools, charter schools, public school services, traditional private schools, religious schools, homeschool groups, and hybrid models are each meeting a part of the problem facing K-12+ education, but there are many needs that go unmet and many, many more opportunities lost. This series of projects carried out by Carolina Education Lab seeks to make coherent the local “economy of education” to grow the opportunities available to K-12 students. We do this by informing their parents and connecting the various institutions and service providers to meet the needs of as many as possible, and to inform executive stakeholders of specific problems and options. *We are currently executing our 3rd annual Moore County School Choice Expo wherein we exhibit all K-12+ academic institutions, and supporting organizations, and service providers available to the full range of students in Moore County, NC, across as many modes of education as possible. We have had great success and growth in the past 3 years, but we have plateaued due to time and resources. *The annual Expo is a forum where parents, academic representatives, and other providers can talk. This includes in-person, hybrid, and digital. But there are a lot more resources out there, and the information about them is, frankly, confusing. We aim to gather that information, synthesize it with what we already know, and make it available -- and easily digestible -- to parents and policy makers. *We conduct grassroots and data-based research into the numerous problem areas to overcome misunderstandings and cut through the politics of education to make schooling work for students, families, our communities, and our country. The current political environment has pit administrators against teachers, parents against administrators, and boards against administrators. The biggest losers are students and teachers. By extension, then, we all lose. *The complex problems facing students in K-12+ range are not well understood, with a lot of misunderstandings and mis-attribution errors that drive parents' and the public's beliefs about the current-day school experience for students and teachers, as well as about the bureaucracy of education. The various stakeholders with power and authority lack clarity. *Carolina Education Lab will help fix that by cutting through the fog of information and provide research-based knowledge to stakeholders and forums to connect those with needs to those who provide solutions. We have already done that to minor degree (there was nothing before we started), but we need to do more, and we need to do it better, faster, so the various stakeholders can make timely decisions that grow mutual trust and respect across our education institutions and communities.

  • Self Identified Competition

    There are no comparable entities in our region. There is no one listening to faculty, staff, administrators, parents, AND students about the entire picture of modern day K-12+ education in Moore County, much less across education across all of NC. The data about these and related problems sits in disparate repositories (if it is collected at all) where it remains hidden, a virtual secret from the public and from school boards and administrators. There is no inspector general or internal audit office or system to assist our local K-12 schools or community college leadership of problems internal to their particular schools or of community concerns. Also, because of the mistrust and lack of information, the general public does not know how to help, nor do they know the truth of the struggles of faculty and administrators to meet the needs of their students. Both groups are seeing past each other instead of working together. Carolina Education Lab combines a team with decades of research experience, formal education into quantitative and qualitative analysis, and the several years of experience already underway here in Moore County, NC. We are solely focused on improving education for students in Moore County, NC by informing education executives and the public of the real problem and opening the doors to real solutions. We all have school age children or grandchildren. We all have a stake in this -- our -- community, and the outcome of all of our children's education. This is exactly unlike any outside agency or company who swoops in to make money from a one-off contract to perform surveys or audit budgets.

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