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September 8, 2024, 3:07 am UTC

Quality Trades Construction 822536124 | Government Grant Application

Quality Trades Construction | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 822536124

    Location: Windber, PA, United States

    Length of Operation: 6-10

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: $100k to $250k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    expansion to create more crews and more jobs, The pandemic has made it impossible to find good employees, therefore we have fell behind on job time expectations and budgets. We are using personal credit cards to keep up with the losses we have suffered since the pandemic. Falling behind on payments to suppliers. Our company has taken some negative reviews due to the lack of qualified personnel to keep up with the demand of jobs. The cost of living has gone up, so employees are asking for higher wages to support their families. I was ready to expand right before the pandemic and create two more crews of five men with insurance benefits. That dream has since sailed and now turned into looking for just a helping hand to get out of the red.

  • Business Plan

    Create more crews and offer higher wages for experienced personnel. Offer training through on job experience and apprenticeship programs. Bring the quality of work back with hiring and training more people to fulfill the crews. I don't need alot just a little help and can flourish quickly! As I started this company alone with an old pick up truck and basic tools. I don't need alot just a little help and can flourish quickly! As I started this company alone with an old pick up truck and basic tools in 2016. I've learned the ups and downs each year and changes of seasons here in the north. I'm still here and have a good reputation for quality work. I do every aspect of residential and commercial construction. Self taught through either previous employment, reading, online tutorials, and just basic knowledge of how things work. I don't ask anyone to do anything for me or my family. If we can't fix it, it's not broke. As I will make a come back sooner or later on my own with my buisness it would be nice to have a little help. Yes, this is the first for me, so I'm not to proud. But like I said, any help is appreciated and will never be wasted!

  • Self Identified Competition

    Johnstown Construction Mihalkos kage Construction Like I said above, I do all aspects of building. So essentially we are a one stop shop for all our customers needs. This makes it easier to give bigger discounts on package deals. Paying one contractor and having one company in charge so no one can pass the buck and cause any delays. We guarantee our work and stand out as a top notch construction company in all aspect.

  • Contact Applicant

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