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September 8, 2024, 1:29 am UTC

Merle Yost, LMFT, Unspoken Boundaries® 130017021 | Government Grant Application

Merle Yost, LMFT, Unspoken Boundaries® | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 130017021

    Location: Ventura, CA, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    12k is the monthly burn rate. Any multiples of that would be very helpful and appreciated. Company procuring appropriate podcasts Professional Marketing company. Creating content and advertisements and advising Assistant who manages the websites, social media posts, video editing, and chief bottle washer as necessary. Marketing analyst who tracks the success of ads and social media. Advertising, professional memberships, Office expenses and computer equipment as necessary.

  • Business Plan

    My marketing people tell me that we are selling me and that the workshop is simply an extension of me. The plan with enough sales and community is to create retreats for people to attend from 1-5 days to have an in-depth experience with me and the material from the workshop, which will deepen their understanding and integration of the material. With the first workshop selling and then more workshops created, I can write and publish my 7th book. I have three specialties that I can do both retreats and workshops to help people gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their particular issues. The passive income from the workshops will grow as the impact of taking them becomes known. I am the author of the best-selling book Reflections for Managers. I am an internationally known expert on men with gynecomastia. Both Channel Four and the BBC made documentaries on me and this topic. A TV crew from Australia flew in to film and document my last gynecomastia surgery. I have been in national publications such as Men's Health, Newsweek, National Geographic News, Now Magazine (Great Britain = Cover picture), Details Magazine, Oakland Tribune, and National Post. I have been licensed as a psychotherapist since 1995. I am known throughout the state as a Trauma Specialist. I spent 30 days in Germany working with men coming back from Afghanistan. Over the past five years, I have taken my knowledge about boundaries, specifically about energetic boundaries, and have trained at least a couple of hundred psychotherapists throughout the state. My new workshop can make the lives of first responders easier. They can learn not to absorb the trauma of the people they are assisting and have the energy to support and care for their families. These workshops have done that for many psychotherapists, and moving the workshop online, which was forced by COVID, and gaining the support of various professional organizations (which is underway) will allow so many more people to have better lives and reduce work burnout dramatically. I am an approved provider of Continuing Education Units for Master's Level Psychotherapists in CA. I am also an approved provider nationally for Massage Therapists. I am negotiating with a company that will expand my program across the entire country. We expect to sign a contract next week. This will be a substantial source of income. Many companies pay for their employees to get their CE's—another income stream.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Most of the competition is from out-of-date books. Henry Cloud's book Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life 1992. He is the major name in the field. I think his approach is outdated. There are other people doing small workshops here and there. None of them focus on energetic boundaries, which changes the entire discussion and cure. My training in Humanistic, Transpersonal, and Buddhist psychology brings a fresh approach that changes how people see themselves and their experience of themself in the world. People who take the workshop and embrace what they learn find that it changes them. A core concept is not to see themselves as a victim. That is transformative for most people. I am deeply passionate about the subject. I was raised in a Christian Cult headed by my mother. My father was physically and sexually abusive. It was not easy, but my determination to survive, heal, and not be a victim has been the foundation of my work as a psychotherapist and teacher. My next book will reveal more about my past and my healing journey. I love teaching and helping people heal and take charge of their lives. This and future workshops are how I can help the most people. My Bachelor's in Management and my success in business make me not afraid to make money, and I know how to deal with people and get the best out of them. I walk the talk. I teach nothing that does not apply to myself, so I am the poster boy for how it works and the benefits of approaching the world with this perspective. I am the guru and the billboard.

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