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September 8, 2024, 1:55 am UTC

AnderAllan 7439792 | Government Grant Application

AnderAllan | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 7439792

    Location: Lovington, NM, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    The funds will be used to buy high end luxury watches at dealer costs and sell them at a large profit growing my funds and scaling to be able to purchase more and higher end time pieces to sell. Also they will be used to open a store front, get a team on board (watch makers for servicing needs and polishing needs), training for myself and my future team to be able to offer the best and most complete all in one service possible and start to scale into a luxury watch company where we design, machine, craft, assemble and market our own luxury watch. As an example, Rolex.

  • Business Plan

    My plan on how to grow in the next 5 years is this. I have started buy learning every single skill that possibly I can in the watch business. IE watch making, watch selling, watch servicing & watch marketing. I pay close attention to the watch market and what make successful competitors so successful. I pay attention to high end watch companies and how they market and what makes them grow year after year. I try to pay attention to some of the companies that have failed or have fallen off and try to see what could have been done differently to change that outcome. I am learning daily and am not afraid of failures as long as I can learn something from them. I plan to scale this company buy not spending almost anything of what the company makes until I reach $100,000 in company profit which I don't see taking more then a year. I can do this because I currently have a great job that is 7 days on and 7 days off. That gives me a ton of free time to work on my business and it also pays for all of my cost of living expenses. At that time I plan to expand to a second physical location in another high income area and expand my supply. That is where the big growth will happen and where everything will start to compound. Once I have hit $1,000,000 in the bank, I plan to begin my own watch company and start selling those watches in my stores that I have already built a name for and start marketing my watch with big name companies, infusers and other big names in the watch scene. Because I WILL scale this business into something that will take care of my children and my Children's children for generations to come. I do not care to be wealthy. That is not my 'why'. I care to take care of my family and give them freedom and a great life. And I care to do that by doing something that I love. Something that I am passionate about. I will not fail them. And I will not fail myself

  • Self Identified Competition

    There are not direct competitors in my area. I am the only one. But as you know, we live in an online world now where buinesses scale on the internet. I plan to work with my competitors. Not to compete with them. And in this business is actually pretty easy. Everyone has a watch that another dealer needs. Its much better to build relationships with other deals and use them as a tool and to be a tool for them. As I can not speak for other competitors, I can speak for myself. My reason for doing this as stated above, is bigger. I plan to offer services that I don't see other dealers offering. And I plan to scale into my own watch business which I don't believe a dealer has ever done. I am a very honest man. If I believe a customer can get a better deal or a better services else where, I will point them in the right direction. And I believe that speaks volumes to a customer. Integrity. With AllanAnder, I want to help people solve their problems. Not just fill my pockets. I believe if I can show customers the services I offer, the prices, the passion that I have for this business and the kind of man I am, I will more often then not have a replete customer. And that scales better then a one time customer.

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