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September 8, 2024, 1:33 am UTC

Thomas Martial Arts & Fitness Academy 313092 | Government Grant Application

Thomas Martial Arts & Fitness Academy | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 313092

    Location: Hayward, Ca, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    I would like to move into a different building that I have already selected. I need to do some MINOR buildout and a few months of rent paid for up front because I cannot reasonably assume that ALL of my students will follow me to the new location, even though it is less than 5 miles away.

  • Business Plan

    I have an aggressive social media plan and also along with grassroots marketing, I will us the methods laid out for me in a Martial Arts Business group that I am now a part of. I also teach in the local elementary and middle schools and plan to use that as a stepping stone to a larger crop of students. I am a part of 2 local chambers of commerce with the plan to join at least one more. I have a referral program in place that will allow me access to larger groups of people as well. I am a second generation Martial Artist. More than anything else in the world since aged 3, I have wanted to make a living teaching Martial Arts. I moved to the Bay Area rom San Diego to take the opportunity to make something great of my life, and to give to others what Karate has given me. I have been denied, betrayed, and lied to, yet I remain defiant and undeterred. I am currently dealing with a landlord has has kept NONE of his commitments, and makes it hard for me ply my trade in a meaningful capacity. I will never quite, not from pride or delusion, but from the knowledge that hard work beats talent, and that nothing worth having comes easy, I lost 5 Corporate jobs when Covid hit, in the same week. I lost Oracle, Kaiser, Workday, Veeva and Roche. I am now determined to be, and stay in charge of my own fate. I am undeterred by momentary failure, as failure is just a speed bump on the way to success. I opened a Martial Arts school in July of 2020, 3 months after the shutdown from Covid. I have managed this long from determination and unflinching commitment to my community of students. I will not fail. I am requesting this help so that the next generation will come up knowing that hard work and not participation trophies will be the variable of success in life. I am also caring for my injured girlfriend and her daughter and I cannot fail them. I thank you for your time.

  • Self Identified Competition

    In my mind there are no other competitor's. Mark Zuckerberg of Bill Gates or Zig Ziglar would not have become who and what they are if they concerned themselves with that others are doing. ON paper, other Martial Arts schools and gym are my competition, but there is enough for everyone in my city of 160,000 people. As i mentioned before, this is in my blood. I am blessed with the ability to convey information that makes my lessons easily digestible. I teach in English AND in Spanish without a single drop of Latino blood in me. Even in my second language I can articulate high level skills to people of any age. I am sure that not many people would quit a job in the middle of a global pandemic to follow their dream. I always say that in order for a parachute to open, you have to jump. My belief in myself is not hubris, it is based on measurable deliverables that I have reliably provided for the past 26 years in the Bay Area

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