U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 3:16 am UTC

The HomeCort Advantage LLC 86-2793414 | Government Grant Application

The HomeCort Advantage LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 86-2793414

    Location: Columbus, OH, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    $52.5K - Debt consolidation to cover my startup costs for the online reselling business charged to credit cards @ 0% interest. A few of the promotional periods for these cards are coming due soon. A couple already have and interest has begun to accrue. $120K ($10K/mo.) - Inventory replenishment to ensure at least $360K in annual revenues and a $100 - $120K profit $5K to cover software and business renewal fees $5 - 10K / yr. - Virtual assistants to help scale the business (product sourcing, expansion to other reseller platforms, social media advertising, website support & maintenance)

  • Business Plan

    I recently partnered with a very large distributor in Jacksonville, FL which will help tremendously in helping me to grow the business because I now have access to a very large catalog of profitable items I can buy in mass quantity and sell for profit. The catalog of items is massive so I plan to engage virtual assistants to help me review, research and source these products and other buying opportunities outside this distributor. I also recently created a Walmart online reseller account and plan to create Etsy and eBay accounts where I can sell items I'm not permitted to sell on I've also generated my first AI-generated eBook which I plan to advertise and market and I have at least 2 Shopify sites built by virtual assistants I'd like to hire someone to audit and market on social media. I acquired a Canadian Tax ID and Canadian import/export privileges and established partnership with a Canadian customs broker who can help me import/export products in and out of the Canadian market. My consolidated distributor is also working on offering this service to us. This will prove to be very profitable as some items can be purchased on the US Amazon platform and sold in the Canadian market for substantially more. I'd also like to continue to network with new distributors at trade shows to gain access to even more products to source at potentially lower price points with support from my virtual assistants. Lastly, I'd like to bring on more employees to help me run the business. I'm a proven achiever having built up my Amazon store with 152 SKUs over the course of less than 6 mos. and sold out of all but approx. 32 SKUs which I'm currently in the process of rebuilding with better inventory replenishment. I invested heavily in training on risk mitigation to ensure I avoid most of the pitfalls others have experienced which cost them a lot. I bring almost 30 years of corporate work experience to the table and as a former Supply Chain Analyst, already have a good understanding of what this business entails and have used that experience to build solid relationships with distributors who can supply my business with profitable inventory. As a former banking industry VP and IT Project and Program Manager, I'm very comfortable managing people and motivating them to support visions of growth so I know once I can obtain financial backing to get my teams in place I'll do well with scaling my business. I have a very strong work ethic, commitment to excellence, dedication and the ability to get results as I've already demonstrated in the online reselling arena amid multiple challenges. In short, I've proven I can make millions for others, now I'm ready to do the same for my company.

  • Self Identified Competition

    II can't pinpoint specific competitors since there are literally millions of other online resellers in the market but the demand for online goods is so great that revenues from online reselling is expected to double in the next 5 years. Heavy investment in training and mentorship, automated tools to help me select profitable items for resale with high profit margins and ROIs and actively engagement in 2 very profitable reseller communities among 7 and 8-figure Amazon sellers, including a 7-figure Amazon seller / mentor.

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