U S G r a n t s . c o m
January 15, 2025, 7:06 am UTC

REG LLC, DBA Brow Sugar, DBA For Keeps Welds 92-2788495 | Government Grant Application

REG LLC, DBA Brow Sugar, DBA For Keeps Welds | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 92-2788495

    Location: Dripping Springs, TX, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    We would like to use this grant to cover our expenses for a few months and allow us to further our training. We would like to be able to do an eyeliner certification course. We would also like to be able to use some of the funds to help with advertising including some social media marketing campaigns.

  • Business Plan

    Our goal is to get to a master level of artistry by continuing to learn more and attend more trainings to improve our skills. We would also like to deepen our menu of services to include eyeliner, skin camouflage for stretch marks and scaring, paramedical tattooing and freckles. We plan to become more of a presence in the community by joining the Chamber of Commerce, networking with our small business owners, and attending more women's leadership group events. We are reaching out to other businesses in our industry to collaborate and host different events and promotions. We are meeting with as many small businesses as possible to share what we do and provide printed information and our business cards. We are also attending as many community events as we can to get our name out there. We are growing our social media presence by collaborating with influencers in the community and creating ad campaigns for services and promotions. We believe that our business will be successful if given the chance to grow. We have only been in business for less than a year, but have already been a part of several community events and collaborations with our business owners. We just need the funds to do more advertising and training. We are two women who had a dream and started this business after working in the dental hygiene field together over 15 years. We put everything into our hygiene careers and our families and wanted a chance to do something for us that would make us proud. We love having a business in our little community and want to meet as many people as we can and offer them a chance to gain confidence by adding to their natural beauty. We believe women need a place they can come and not be judged for wanting something more. We create beauty and love what we do. We constantly strive to be the best and will always keep our clients as number one priority in our business.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Our top competitor has been in this business for 4- 5 yrs and offers one of our brow services and just started offering lip blushing. She is a great connection and we do not think of her as competition, more as a motivation for us to better ourselves everyday. Our other competitors have a small social media presence and do a lot of other services than permanent makeup. So their focus is very wide spread. One of them is very new to the field and located farther away from us. We believe we are different because our focus is on quality versus quantity. We love permanent makeup and that is what we want to offer. We are happy to refer for other services that we are not experts at versus trying to do everything. We have a background where continuous education is a part of what we do and we bring that to this career. We strive to keep learning every day and value our competitors for what they can teach us. We are also very active in the community and try to build lasting relationships with our clients, which will render long term success.

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