U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 2:10 am UTC

Bird's Song Farm LLC 4473723 | Government Grant Application

Bird's Song Farm LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 4473723

    Location: Brookpark, OH, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    Marketing: Canva - $150.00 Plot rental fees: $200.00 Organic pest management: $200.00 Packaging costs: $250.00 Cold storage costs: $5,000.00 Nursery stock dealer license: $125; $40 annually Ohio Proud Farm Market Registration: $50.00 registration fee

  • Business Plan

    Bird’s Song Farm LLC will operate as a partner and extension of the Berea Community Learning Farm. The first project is to construct an on-site farmstand featuring BSF produce and produce donated by gardeners and any excess produce from Berea’s hoophouse. After the introduction of the farmstand, we’ll register it under the Ohio Proud program. Hopefully upping our foot traffic and local interest. Also at this time, we will begin our process of accepting SNAP/EBT for produce purchases. Once we’re able to monitor the success and sustainability of the farmstand, we can begin to survey local interest in the start of a CSA program. While also exploring local business interest in starting produce accounts with the farm. Further into the CSA program, we’ll look towards networking with other area farms. Particularly one that raises chickens. And towards expanding our apiary to produce honey. Both will eventually be add-on options in the program. • I want to be able to integrate farming/homesteading into my family and daily life. I want to be able to generate my income from something that I love and will already be doing for my own family, while also contributing to other families as well. I also want to integrate the cultivation and selling of houseplants into my goal. • I want to be able to fully provide for my children from the income I generate from farming/houseplant cultivation. While also being able to save for unexpected expenses or situations. • I want to operate as sustainably and as close as possible to nature. Employing methods like cover crops to deter soil erosion, watering plants and crops from a sustainable source, or producing things like compost to help regenerate the soil. • Community to me isn’t necessarily about proximity but about impact. Community is anyone influenced or affected by what you do. I want to impact my community in an extremely positive way. Currently, that impact is giving away the surplus of produce I get when I harvest from my community garden plot. Eventually, I’d like to upscale that idea and participate in things like accepting EBT for produce, offering opportunities for people to exchange volunteer hours for produce, and finding a way into the inner city to serve those with restricted access to fresh fruits and vegetable or farm fresh eggs, etc. Bird’s Song Farm will stake claim for black women farmers and show that we can find the support and resources to be successful in agriculture. We will teach, inspire, and improve the urban communities’ access to farm fresh, organic produce. Not only supplying food but sparking the interest and enthusiasm for learning to grow for themselves. We will strive to spark mental, physical, and spiritual health. Impacting people with something we love to do. Which is, increasing access to farm fresh foods and making a living growing plants and cultivating crops. Our mission is to increase urban access to organically (non-certified) farmed, local foods. Through community-supported agriculture, our local farmstand, and eventually our mobile produce truck. All while inspiring minority youth, serving underserved communities, and replenishing fresh food deserts. showing that sustainable agriculture is a successful and fulfilling style of life.

  • Self Identified Competition

    While surrounding cities have weekly farmers' markets, there is quite the local, fresh food drought near our farm and the intended market surrounding communities. As our farmstand expands, we will offer specialty varieties of vegetables and herbs. Our main competition stands to be the nearest grocery stores in the surrounding communities, which are not plentiful. The opportunities are flowing! I am formulating two separate plans for both entities, that intertwine, support, and nourish one another. Establishing the BSF Farmstand at BCLF, then registering the bigger of the two with the Ohio Proud program will up not only BCLF’s foot traffic but will also increase BSF’s word-of-mouth marketing. CSA opportunities present themselves, as well as farmers' markets. There are also opportunities to infect the local educational population as well. Offering space to garden clubs, field trips, and seasonal seasonal lab locations. Bird’s Song Farm will stake claim for black women farmers and show that we can find the support and resources to be successful in agriculture. We will teach, inspire, and improve the urban communities’ access to farm fresh, organic produce. Not only supplying food but sparking the interest and enthusiasm for learning to grow for themselves. We will strive to spark mental, physical, and spiritual health. Impacting people with something we love to do. Which is, increasing access to farm fresh foods and making a living growing plants and cultivating crops. Our mission is to increase urban access to organically (non-certified) farmed, local foods. Through community-supported agriculture, our local farmstand, and eventually our mobile produce truck. All while inspiring minority youth, serving underserved communities, and replenishing fresh food deserts. showing that sustainable agriculture is a successful and fulfilling style of life.

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