U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 3:36 am UTC

I'll Take The Broken Corp. 83-1240967 | Government Grant Application

I'll Take The Broken Corp. | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 83-1240967

    Location: Chippewa Lake, OH, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    I have been working with a property owner here in Medina Ohio. He has a vision and passion to help others as do I. Our faith in Christianity brough us together on this project. I met with him on an idea to put into motion to rehab the small structures and help people in need of temporary housing. I know there is a need here in the community for temporary housing for families that are struggling. Most of these folks are put on a lengthy waiting list for housing that can take years until they can reside. We would like to bring funding to aid on these projects. The funding would go to materials, machinery and trade help and state inspection to bring them to code for healthy livable temp housing. This will give hope to the people in need here in our city. After this project I would like to allocate the funds to future endeavors for business growth.

  • Business Plan

    I plan on networking with property owners by meeting with them in person and advertising. This will help me grow my business by building trust with them after meeting them, planning and completing the projects. I will be offering warranties after our final inspection of completed work to ensure the customer is happy. I plan on growing my business with honesty and I am careful who will be having on the job sites by interviewing future staff personally and through other sources to make sure I find quality staff. I want to invest back into my business to afford hiring staff offering them a health and retirement package. I want to apply funding into sales marketing also investing in tooling and machinery. I am currently working out of a small pickup truck that is only rated to haul lite tools, debris and material. I would like to upgrade my truck to help transport larger objects that need moved in on job travels. I have labored in the trades off and on for about 20 years. I have strong experience in project management from 2019 to current. I have worked for other contractors gaining this knowledge. I have great approach when meeting new customers, I speak to them with realistic planning and honesty. I have worked in the state of Ohio practicing these skills and have left a great reputation with my past customers. I took the notion to start up I'll take the broken corp. because I wanted to oversee my current and future projects, I have set out to do. I have worked for other contractors who did not fulfill their due diligence with honesty and financial planning leaving me without compensation. I left their organizations to make sure my work is done with a good reputation and through that experience I do not want that type of failure. Good business practice is everything. and I am careful in planning to prevent hookups along the way. This type of planning will give me plan of future success to limit the negative odds that may occur. I also would be willing to allow the investors see what I have done with the investments as I plan on growing.

  • Self Identified Competition

    There are many competitors in this type of business. Being that I have just started with in the past year I would have to say there is enough work out there for the folks who work in building restoration because of the need. I have worked in this type of business in the past and really never had concern of other competitors. My realistic and open and honest planning.

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