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September 8, 2024, 1:41 am UTC

iMetro Technologies, Inc iMetro Technologies, Inc | Government Grant Application

iMetro Technologies, Inc | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: iMetro Technologies, Inc

    Location: Houston, TX, United States

    Length of Operation: 6-10

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: $100k to $250k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    Start marketing campaign using the latest social media, web services, and SEO platform services to promote the business. Hire a marketing firm or person to help with this. Wages for employees to hire instead of sub-contractors. Train and certify all technicians that work for the company and pay them well so they can make a good living and be loyal to the company. Also for rental of an office and storage space instead of my second bedroom. I can have meetings with clients and employees.

  • Business Plan

    Plan on growing the business over the next 5 years by adding e-rate clients thru strategic partnerships with other small business e-rate providers that need a VoIP solution but may not understand the platforms available. Also I would like to target some private correctional facilities that may need to upgrade their facility infrastructure with a low cost reliable system that can use the existing wiring and still have all the latest features of a modern phone system Start marketing campaign using the latest social media platforms and SEO services to promote the business. Hire a marketing firm or person to help with this. Hire, Train, and Certify all technicians that work for the company and pay them well so they can make a good living and be loyal to the company I am a grateful 100% disabled veteran and was in operation desert storm/desert shield. I have over 30 years of experience with running my own business, and 20 years in the information technology area. I have an MA.Ed. and Instructional Technology Design and a BA. cell biology. Along with different technical certifications and training. But running a business and certification training are two different animals. I have been self taught in Cisco OS, Meraki systems, Mitel phone system, Network programming and design, VoIP systems design, installation and programming, 3CX cloud PBX, AWS, Microsoft 365 I have worked in the IT area of hospitality, warehousing, retail and education for over 25 years. I am a very hardworking educated and dedicated professional who has always been very honest in my business dealings. I have always felt that if I worked hard and was honest, the business would be there and it has been for the most part. But I am at a pivotal point of career that I need to expand or get out, I am too young to retire but too old to continue the physical part of my job. I can support technically my customers but not alone. I need some help financially to be able to move to the next level.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Top three are: 1. Ring Central - large company no tech support, buy the service and no support or onsite technicians if things break. They send preconfigured hardware and expect the customer to deal with the network end. No support 2. Austin IT services - medium sized IT business specialized in Texas education and government voip systems. Their network was hacked recently and it took over 3 weeks to get service restored to customers. 3. Google Voice - Again a very large corporation with no technicians only online FAQ and a chat platform. There is no one to fix the system if it goes down. They rely on a technical writer to be able to explain their system. We have technicians available 24/7 to help and to deploy onsite for any issues they have. We will have remote access to all installed equipment so if there is an issue with any hardware or softwhere, we will take care of it. We are small but because of that we have low overhead and don’t have to charge as much for services. Our support is included in the monthly price so it is easy to budget. No hidden charges just great service. We install, test, and certify all services work before we move services. We believe in the old style of business, customer support and supporting our customers. No calls to India, no calls to a person that reads from a script. All our technicians will be certified and answer any and all questions.

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