U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 3:43 am UTC

Frame of Mind Chiropractic LLC 32076403172 | Government Grant Application

Frame of Mind Chiropractic LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 32076403172

    Location: Dallas, TX, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    Frame of Mind Chiropractic LLC plans on using this funding to help expand our offerings into a new office space so we can continue spreading the various benefits of Chiropractic care throughout the city of Dallas, TX.

  • Business Plan

    As Frame of Mind Chiropractic grows we want to hire new providers (of all kinds of healing arts) and start to provide not only incredibly well rounded healing care to our community but also job opportunities for the community as well. Within the next 5 years our hope is to have multiple locations around Dallas, TX to make our services more accessible in different neighborhoods and as a result be able to create more jobs and more access to quality health care. Frame of Mind Chiropractic is unlike any health care business in Dallas, TX -- we are ferociously dedicated to providing our community the highest level of healing care that is avalible. What makes our practice different is that we can't be bothered by the speed at which society moves around us; we are simply concerned with spending as much time with you as is necessary -- this is hard to find in the world of modern health care. Simply put we are providing a space for people to truly experience radical change from the top down, inside out and we want to continue growing and expanding into new areas to make the care more accessible to more people. This type of growth requires funding and this is why we have landed here in hopes of being noticed. Thank you for your consideration.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Corporate Chains of Alternative Health Care: These companies make the small business landscape significantly more difficult, because as they can afford to charge very little for services and get away with quick mediocre care, while small businesses like ours focusing on the highest quality of care and dedicating real time to people, can't beat those prices. The Joint Chiropractic 100% Chiropractic Airrosti Clinics Our practice as mentioned is so vastly different than anything anyone can find in the city of Dallas Texas. We provide the highest quality of conservative health care by making sure our clients feel heard, seen and appreciated. The mindset of moving as quickly as possible to make room for as many people as possible doesn't fit into our understanding of healing. Frame of Mind Chiropractic is ferociously dedicated to spending the time with people that is needed in order for them to truly start to experience the change they have been seeking for a lifetime. This type of care requires passion, empathy, understanding and true conviction -- these simple things are what vastly set us apart from anyone else practicing Chiropractic. We want to continue spreading these values within the healthcare world and funding from this platform could truly help catapult Frame of Mind Chiropractic onto the next tier of accessibility.

  • Contact Applicant

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