Human Patient Association | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: Human Patient Association
Location: Meeker, CO, United States
Length of Operation: 11plus
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
Acquiring real estate for office/home
Business Plan
The Human Patient Association (HPA) is a consumer-rights advocacy organization. The HPA is your voice in health care. We support 'Freedom of choice in health care.' The Human Patient Association is founded upon the observation: "The human being is born with the right to choose, from among what Earth provides for energy, food, and medicine." The growth plan involves a mobile education unit that hosts local health fairs in small towns and communities across the State of Colorado. Bringing together related businesses, professionals, and community service groups, is the means for creating mutually-beneficial business relationships. This role is played by the Inflammation Station, which provides FREE THERMOGRAMS. Yes, we are asking for assistance - so that we can help others. Our main goal is to promote peace and happiness. While that sounds nice, it is much more. Peace and happiness are actually the first two ingredients in the recipe for health. The health that people enjoy or do not enjoy, is entirely determined by their level of happiness and peace. As the mind - so goes the body. As man thinketh, so he is. We all have heard these sayings since youth. They are true. Therefore, the journey back to health begins and ends on the path of happiness, contentment, and satisfaction. Our goal is to help everyone understand how awesome and wonderful they are. Secondly, we ask them to join us and find their voice in health care. We then add Stephen Covey's - 8th Habit - and ask them to help others find their voice, too.
Self Identified Competition
We do not have competitors in this endeavor, we only have collaborators. We will ask everyone to join us and support freedom of choice in health care. I remain unaware of any other organization founded for the purpose of representing patient rights.
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