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September 8, 2024, 1:40 am UTC

Harvey Property Maintenance 604905745 | Government Grant Application

Harvey Property Maintenance | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 604905745

    Location: Graham, WA, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    I will use the funding to allow me to quit my full-time job and pursue my own business full-time. Truck,trailer insurance, materials

  • Business Plan

    I plan to take the profits each year and invest it back into the business. Another bobcat,another mini excavator,another dump truck,set days aside to specifically visit target business growth and contracts through phone,door to door google search algorithms,word of mouth through quality work integrity. By year 3 I will have invested at least 600000 back in and 150k as emergency funds and start building employees,a name that is known for integrity honesty efficiency and for giving back to the community. Part of every dollar generated will go into a fund where i can purchase a clean and sober living homes for families trying to integrate back into being contributing members of society and families. By year 5 I will have gained close relationships with owners,operators,businesses, contractors communities that see the work and how we also contribute to the community to leave things better than when we got there. I'm honest, have integrity, I'm driven,I already can see the outcome in my mind. I know I can with a little financial help make money and give back to the community. I already own equipment,an older trailer and older dump truck and everyone I've worked for has wanted to know when I can come back.Funds would allow me safety to leave my employer and pursue this full time I already know it will work. I know many different small business owners as mentors to talk to and talk me through different things. I will make money and leave the community better than when I got there.

  • Self Identified Competition

    In general my competitors are small tractor dirt work guys,full blown excavation companies and landscape companies. The small tractor guys equipment is too small and bulky to be quick or efficient. The full blown excavation companies will cost too much in mobilization costs just to get their machines to the site. The landscape companies machines will not be large enough and all these peoples materials will cost higher I've worked fixing equipment and running equipment for 20 years. I can not only run equipment I can fix it and maintain it to get by in the first years and keep costs down. I also have a close relationship over 20 years with a sawmill that will provide me with unlimited bark,chips at a lower cost than my competitors where they will buy from a landscape supply company. I have a long relationship with the owner of a rock quarry where I can get an unlimited supply of rock,dirt,sand etc which keeps costs lower. My first machine is a bobcat t770. It's bigger than a tractor more agile,efficient more power. I can do the same job much quicker. At 92 horse power and compact with low ground pressure to not damage drain fields I can do the jobs of large excavating companies with the large price of getting those machines to a site. I called around to 10 different similar companies and they were all booked through the spring so the need is there. It's important for my business to contribute to the community and not only make large amounts of money but give back and be helpful.

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