Crossroads Mobile Canning Co | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 1818676-99
Location: hood river, or, United States
Length of Operation: 6-10
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: $250k to $500k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
The demand for Beverage Processing is constantly growing, as well as the amount of revenue my business is creating. Further funding would allow for expansion of services, equipment financing, and employment growth.
Business Plan
In the next 5 years, if funding was available, Crossroads Mobile Canning would expand to further regions and offer a greater amount of services to the consumer. The purchase of new equipment and the ability to serve more customers would allow for employment growth within the company. The beverage packaging industry is an ever evolving and growing landscape that has produced year over year increases in revenue for my small business. There have been no signs of slowing in the specific market Crossroads Mobile Canning is targeting.
Self Identified Competition
To start, there are only 3 competitors in total. So I suppose by default they would be my top 3. Many times, my main competitor will be too busy to accommodate new clients, oftentimes leading to referrals coming to my business. The same thing happens to myself often, where I am too busy to accommodate new clients needs, sending them to other competitors. The bottom line is that all 3 of my competitors stay very busy, usually too busy to keep up. I am the only Mobile Canning company that is currently owner operated.
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