U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 1:53 am UTC

Deimss 224169599 | Government Grant Application

Deimss | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 224169599

    Location: Eugene, OR, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    Start up costs, website development, research, grant writers, marketing, athletic director, office supplies, administrator, filings, rent, utilities, marketing tools, grant databases and prospecting grant makers.

  • Business Plan

    Im going to start with a single district in my city and once that is accomplished i will branch out to surrounding communities and eventually across the state. I will partner and share my path to success with others that have the same mission to bring back athletic programs in all middle schools in the country that have had their sports programs cut. My mission is to foster diversity, equity and inclusion in middle school sports Due to budget restrictions many middle school team sports have been discontinued. 85% of youths that play sports are from middle to lower class families and depend on school ran sports for the kids to play. Not only are youth sports good for health, development, decision making and a sense of belonging, they provide a life changing opportunity for many at risk youths. Youths in sports have less suicides, drop out rates and addiction issues. Youth sports is directly related to success as adults. 95% of women CEO's and higher wage jobs played youth sports and contribute playing sports as a youth to their success. 80% of inmates in our prisons are high school drop outs. As the system is now, the only kids that can play sports are part of private expensive programs averaging over $2,000 a year for each kid. As many American families struggle to balance tight budgets, sports have suddenly become unattainable for the majority of youths that would be able to play sports if offered through the school . Youth participation in sports is down 35% from just a year ago and those numbers will continue to grow as sports become an opportunity for only the elite group of people. This will further the divide of the classes, increase crime and poverty in society as a whole and fail to save the lives and future success of our youths which is also the success of our future. Everyone who invests in me and this mission proudly flagships the bringing back of middle school sports, fostering diversity, equity and inclusion fir our youths and in our future. I have the support of the 4J school district, my partner played professional baseball and all of us together are completely committed to our mission and will work tirelessly to see it accomplished.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Im not aware of any competitors doing what Im doing. There are some travel leagues run privately for only a small portion of athletes and Kid Sports which offers some team sports as a recreational option more for fun then then preparation to play competitively. I dont have competitors. I stand by my mission to bring back team sports to schools across the nation and anyone who wants to jump on board in their community to do the same thing Im doing are my partners and allies not my competitors.

  • Contact Applicant

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