U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 2:06 am UTC

The Detail Shop of Fayetteville LLC 883731445 | Government Grant Application

The Detail Shop of Fayetteville LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 883731445

    Location: Fayetteville, NC, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    As I stated our rent has recently went up $500 after signing on to our new lease. We are expecting our second child in less than two months so everything happening all at once like this has made rebudgeting pretty difficult. We have been heavily contemplating the idea of going mobile which we believe would better suit us as well as our wide client base. If the business were to be funded, I as the owner would use it to buy a work van that would allow us to start working mobile, as well as any extra supplies needed in order to make the transition from a brick and mortar business to mobile.

  • Business Plan

    We recently started offering a wider variety of services including full interior and exterior details as well as paint correction and ceramic coatings. Instead of paying somebody else rent to run out of a building that we will never own, we plan to invest in our own equipment until we are eventually able to find a building that we will own. After being in business for almost 5 years, we’ve grown very close to many of our customers. Our business is very family oriented and we believe that the relationships formed through out the community are extremely important. This funding would allow us to be able to travel to our customers instead of them having to come to us. It would open up many avenues for not only my business going forward, but also for my clients with us being able to offer them more services to better fit their individual needs.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Hand washes seem to be dying out around the Fayetteville area, so I would think our competitors are the companies offering the services that we have just started offering such as full details, paint corrections and ceramic coatings. With that being said, companies such as Flawless Touch, Modern Pro Polish and Highline Mobile Detailing could be potential. So we’ve actually seen first hand how some of the other companies run and interact with their customers. The month of January of this year we actually tried partnering up with the owner of Flawless Touch and soon realized how unethical the business was run. The customer interaction was not there and things were not getting done in a timely fashion and sometimes not at all. My biggest flex is being loyal to my clients, getting to know them and forming a relationship. This is the reason that we have so many return customers.

  • Contact Applicant

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