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September 8, 2024, 2:11 am UTC

Behavioral &Academic Reporting Systems 219477296 | Government Grant Application

Behavioral &Academic Reporting Systems | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 219477296

    Location: Lake Oswego, OR, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    We need $50,000 for the coding part of the App and 10,000$ for marketing our app. We do already have a commercial made and videos made.

  • Business Plan

    Through marketing (we have a commercial) we plan on having this App in every school with students with special needs over the next 3 years. I’m Stephen Sibley , partner in Behavioral & Academic Reporting Systems, LLC. I was in sales and marketing for over 15 years and then was owner of Soar Academy, LLC; a private school for students with social, emotional and mental health lagging skills. I am also a father of three children, 2 that are adopted who had special needs. My wife of 43 years was a special education teacher and a Principal of schools for students with behavioral and mental health challenges. I have watched her work for 43 years trying to meet the needs of her students as well as stay in compliance with all state and federal laws. She was lucky enough to work with Verda who was able to design a data system that helped collect and report on students IEP goals. In the last 20 years they have constantly improved and re-designed the program to provide more specific behavioral information. Many districts asked my wife to use the program, but she always replied; you have to have a “Verda” to do it. I am proud that Brent and I have put together this app that will make both of our wives lives easier as well as teachers everywhere. No longer will districts in schools need to hire a “Verda”. Thanks to this App the Verda will be available to everyone. I believe with my sales and marketing experience, as well as my special educational experience I have the qualifications and motivation to help move this app forward. Any help you can give us to finish this app and bring it to fruition will be greatly appreciated; and will be a huge support to special education teachers everywhere.

  • Self Identified Competition

    We are lucky right now, there are no competitors and it is legally mandated by state and federal governments to take data on students on an IEP. The Verda is a simple time saving app for the daily tracking and reporting of classroom behavior and academic data such as behavior goals, Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) goals, attendance, academic progress, and incident reports. The app is specifically designed to help teachers monitor each student’s progress toward their individualized goals, and to assist schools and districts with the identification and reporting of critical behavioral and academic trends essential to Individual Education Plans (IEP’s), functional behavior assessments (FBA’s), manifestation determination meetings, Extended School Year (ESY) monitoring, etc. The Verda is a simple time saving app designed for the daily tracking and reporting of classroom behavior and academic data such as behavior goals, Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) goals, attendance, academic progress, and incident reports. The app is specifically designed to help teachers monitor each student’s progress toward their individualized goals, and to assist schools and districts with the identification and reporting of critical behavioral and academic trends essential to IEP’s, FBA’s, manifestation determination meetings, ESY monitoring, etc. Student data is a legally mandated aspect of Special Education services. Proper completion of required items such as Individual Education Plans (IEP’s), functional behavior assessments (FBA’s), manifestation determination meetings, and Extended School Year (ESY) monitoring (just to name a few) requires systematic and regular compilation, analysis, and reporting of behavioral and academic data. Unfortunately, data systems that track student goals and student behavior incidences are very difficult to find for teachers, schools, and districts – if they can be found at all. Those that are available are typically time intensive, and not “user friendly” at the classroom level for daily data collection and tracking. To address this critical and important area of education, Behavioral and Academic Reporting Systems, LLC has designed The Verda app (Versatile Education Reporting and Data Analysis), which is based on the data collection and reporting systems that we have researched, created, and piloted for over 24 years. Adequate staffing levels of Special Education teachers is difficult to fulfill and maintain. Sixty-nine percent of school principals share they do not have enough Special Education teachers in their schools. To further complicate matters, research shows that nearly 50% of all Special Education teachers leave the field within their first five years of teaching. One reason for this high turnover rate is the extensive and time consuming paperwork that is required to maintain compliance with Special Education law. One of the goals of The Verda app is to provide teachers with an efficient, easy-to-use system that will help them effectively meet and maintain the critical data components required in the profession. The belief is that by providing assistance in the area of data collecting and reporting, Special Education teachers will experience (along with the feeling of diminished stress) a greater sense of efficacy and satisfaction in this under-supported aspect of their job as they work to meet the needs of all students.

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