U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 1:51 am UTC

PersoniFit, LLC 202203071572224 | Government Grant Application

PersoniFit, LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 202203071572224

    Location: South Bend, IN, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    The funding will go to a down payment for the building up for sale or if it sales, then it would go to a building I do find because my current studio is small and I am needing more room regardless. I would need to increase my inventory such as more dumbbells, kettle bells, steppers, jump boots, mini bands, etc. If it is to be the building I have my heart set on, I would need to replace the flooring throughout the entire building, since it was made for a dance studio. I would need more of a plyometric flooring in the areas I hold classes and carpets need to be pulled due to being so old and fitness studios don't use carpets. I would need to connect a business telephone. Replace some walls because the building is outdated but there is so much potential! I would also have a grand opening trying to increase revenue as people purchase memberships on that day.

  • Business Plan

    My plan is to increase clientele both in groups and personal training by adding more instructors. There are two studios, therefore it would be possible to run more than one class at a time. I know of Zumba instructors that are looking to hold classes somewhere, so Zumba would be added as part of group classes. I also want to invest in Bungee cords (sets) to help those with bad knees, post knee surgery and still want to stay active. As mentioned previously, Jump fit is something that is not offered within a 150+ mile radius. I have been instructing Jump Fit for over 3 years now. My other future plan is the Bungee fitness, again nobody offers that in my area. I had to go to Cleveland. There are so many benefits in Bungee fit, I want to offer discounts to Veterans. I already have memberships/packages offered to seniors and instruct an senior fitness class. Veterans deserve to be recognized as an Honorable Group!! I currently work at the VA and hear so many of them talk about wanting to get back into some type of activity and I know Bungee Fit would be great for them. I would work with them in groups and with weight for compound movements. Obviously they can elect to attend any classes offered by PersoniFit. I come across WWII veterans and they look amazing!

  • Self Identified Competition

    There are many gyms in my area: Planet Fitness, CrossFit, World Gym What will make PersoniFit different from the others is that I offer classes, structure, guidance as a group. Gym's are for individuals that know what to do. My classes are for anyone new or experienced to fitness and I would help educate them in their workouts. Gyms don't offer a couple of the services I will be providing. I love to get to know my clients and make them all feel equal! At any given gym, clients have told me how others look at them because they are not "fit". I know exactly how they feel. That is why I had decided to workout at home and years later start my own fitness business because there are people like out there.

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