U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 3:58 am UTC

Revive, LLC 85-3743807 | Government Grant Application

Revive, LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 85-3743807

    Location: Lewistown, MT, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: $250k to $500k

    Annual Gross Expense: $100k to $250k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    I would use the money to help with down payment to secure the building needed, improve gym area, improve parking lot for patients by repairing asphalt. The money would help buy medical supplies and lab equpement as well as support wages of the staff needed to operate. We would host community events, provide nutrition, exercise guidance, counseling, primary care and more. The community would have access to better health in a rural population where that is quit difficult. The lives of so many would be impacted. Any amount of money would help

  • Business Plan

    I will grow my business by hiring more providers to improve patient access and quality of care. I will offer more services as they become more available and opportunities that can improve patient care with their needs. This may even expand beyond our town to other communities! Investing is a risk and someone has earned that money. To receive any funding would be an honor and treated with humility to make sure it goes directly to the mission of improving people’s health. So many times I have been in clinic as a PA and hear patients say they have never been heard before. They felt rushed through and a number. When they come to me, they don’t feel that way. They feel valued and the care they received was thorough. However, I’m limited by political medicine and people who have never been on the ground in patient care making rules and guidelines that are not at patients best interest. With this group of women I have collaborated with and allowing myself to be the leader in an innovative primary care setting with a team approach, patients will have the best care and actually time to reduce, prevent and reverse diseases since many are related to lifestyle. I’m passionate about making better care available to people and if someone invests in this, they too will be impacting lives.

  • Self Identified Competition

    In our town, we have a medical clinic and hospital that is quite small. Patients never see the same provider twice because they are rotating. That impacts patient care congruency. We also have a larger company based primary care clinic in town that recently got bought out by another even larger hospital group. They are only primary care and have been affect by major political change due to the switch of owners. That has also affected patient care and people often get referred out of town for help with lifestyle changes like diabetes, blood pressure, weight, etc. if we had a facility in town for people, they wouldn’t need to travel In our area, it is unheard of to go for a walk with your provider. It’s unreal to get prescribed exercise and nutrition over a medicine. Medicine has its place and as a PA I honor that. However, people should have the option to make their life better by being more active, managing stress well, eating healthier and having proper guidance by professionals. Our group works as a team with one mission, to help patients live better lives.

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