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September 8, 2024, 1:59 am UTC

Restoration Place 136 100036178 | Government Grant Application

Restoration Place 136 | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 100036178

    Location: Carriere, MS, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: $100k to $250k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    To help the residents get back on track, Restoration Place 136 will offer a range of services, such as: • Affordable housing • Case management • Employment assistance • Life skills training • Support groups • Peer support • 12-step meetings • Drug testing • Relapse prevention • Substance abuse treatment • Medical and mental health care

  • Business Plan

    Restoration Place 136 has a close working relationship with Hancock County Jail, which ensures a steady source of referrals. Rachell and Harold Vicknair are the Head Chaplains for Hancock County Jail, and will continually develop bonds with those that need help and those in the justice system. We have Board members that have a heart to serve this population of people, and have the experience that is unique to attend to their needs. The market opportunity for Restoration House is to provide transitional housing and support services to individuals who are recovering from substance abuse, mental health issues, or criminal justice involvement in the Gulf South area. The market opportunity is based on the following factors: • High demand: There is a high demand for halfway houses in the Gulf South area, as evidenced by the large number of individuals who are released from correctional facilities or treatment programs every year and need a safe, structured, and supportive environment to reintegrate into the community. According to the Bureau of Prisons (BOP), there were 6,411 inmates released from federal prisons in Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, and Florida in 20201. Moreover, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), there were 113,000 admissions to substance abuse treatment facilities in these four states in 20192. Many of these individuals face challenges such as finding housing, employment, education, health care, and social support, which increase their risk of relapse and recidivism. • Low supply: There is a low supply of halfway houses in the Gulf South area, as indicated by the limited number of residential reentry centers (RRCs) or other sober living or halfway houses available in the region. According to the BOP, there are only two RRCs in Mississippi, both located in Jackson, which is about 150 miles away from Carriere3. There are also few other options for sober living or halfway houses in the area, as shown by the limited search results . This creates a gap in the existing continuum of care for individuals who need transitional housing and support services in the Gulf South area. • Competitive advantage: Restoration House has a competitive advantage over other halfway houses in the Gulf South area, as it offers a comprehensive range of services, such as housing, case management, employment assistance, life skills training, support groups, peer support, 12-step meetings, drug testing, relapse prevention, substance abuse treatment, medical and mental health care. Restoration House also has a strong network of local stakeholders, such as community leaders, business owners, faith-based organizations, and former residents, who support its mission and vision. Restoration House also has a close working relationship with Hancock County Jail, which ensures a steady source of referrals.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Restoration Place will fill a gap in the existing continuum of care for individuals who need transitional housing and support services in the Gulf South area. According to the BOP, there are only two RRCs in Mississippi, both located in Jackson, which is about 150 miles away from the Gulf South area. There are also few other options for sober living or halfway houses in the area, as shown by the limited search results. RP136 will address the needs and challenges of this underserved population, such as: • High rates of substance abuse and addiction • Lack of access to quality treatment and recovery resources • Barriers to employment and education • Stigma and discrimination • Risk of homelessness and recidivism One main factor is the CEO and COO are both Head Chaplains at Hancock County Jail, which allows personal connections to be established. By knowing the inmates on a personal level, we are able to see those that are truly desiring change, and who might be a good fit for RP 136. Restoration Place will fill a gap in the existing continuum of care for individuals who need transitional housing and support services in the Gulf South area. According to the BOP, there are only two RRCs in Mississippi, both located in Jackson, which is about 150 miles away from the Gulf South. There are also few other options for sober living or halfway houses in the area, as shown by the limited search results. RP 136 will address the needs and challenges of this underserved population, such as: • High rates of substance abuse and addiction • Lack of access to quality treatment and recovery resources • Barriers to employment and education • Stigma and discrimination • Risk of homelessness and recidivism

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