U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 3:24 am UTC

POLLEN LLC 3819392-2 | Government Grant Application

POLLEN LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 3819392-2

    Location: Saint Paul, MN, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    The funding of Pollen, LLC, will support three years of research aimed at revitalizing vacant buildings and repurposing facilities in a sustainable method. Our mission is clear: to ignite growth opportunities for small businesses and educational initiatives within local communities and to understand the most sustainable business models. Through meticulous research, we are exploring methods of acquisition and development of existing real estate, envisioning spaces that serve the community's needs that are sustainable and supportive of community growth and development. This includes the creation of affordable makerspaces tailored for low-income neighborhoods that would provide training and/or equipment to support growth, alongside the careful planning of capital and operating budgets. These initiatives are designed to not only spur economic growth but also cultivate environments that foster creativity, entrepreneurship, and learning.

  • Business Plan

    Pollen, LLC's growth projection for the next 5 years encompasses an innovative approach. The initial three years will focus on pioneering research aimed at revitalizing economies, fostering creativity, entrepreneurship, and continuous learning in a sustainable manner. Following this intensive research phase, our aim is to create a real estate model characterized by low overheads, affordable rates, and immense potential for creative expansion within communities. By the end of year five, we envision implementing a pioneering real estate blueprint designed to catalyze social progress in low-income areas. This includes the establishment of a vibrant makerspace offering tiered memberships, providing access to specialized education across various disciplines. One exciting possibility is granting access to 3D printing technology, equipping individuals with the knowledge to create affordable, sustainable 3D printed homes. Pollen, LLC presents a compelling case for federal grant support due to its innovative and impactful initiatives poised to benefit communities nationwide. By investing in Pollen, the federal government can catalyze economic revitalization, foster entrepreneurship, and promote sustainable development.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Community Works Ventures: CWV is dedicated to community development, focusing on revitalizing underserved neighborhoods, and fostering local entrepreneurship. They provide grants, loans, and consulting services to small businesses and community organizations, aiming to create economic opportunities. Urban Ventures: Urban Ventures is a non-profit organization based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, focused on community development and empowerment. They work towards creating thriving communities through a variety of programs and initiatives that address various aspects of community life. Pollen is dedicated to creating social value by supporting local entrepreneurship, providing access to education, and fostering community development. What sets Pollen, LLC apart from competitors is by offering a holistic, innovative, and socially impactful approach to real estate development. Its commitment to sustainability, creativity, community engagement, and long-term vision positions Pollen as a leader in the field of transformative real estate solutions.

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