U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 3:44 am UTC

Kindred Connections LLC RA1439627 | Government Grant Application

Kindred Connections LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: RA1439627

    Location: Livingston, MT, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    I will use the funding to help me set up the business properly and get it up and running efficiently and professional so that it can become self sufficient as soon as possible. I am interested in provided services not making money but neither do I want to run at a loss - it would be nice if the business were to operate at break even and if there is any profit I can use it to provide services discounted or for free to those who cannot afford them.

  • Business Plan

    It is my hope that local residents can use the visitation services without having to travel to Bozeman, Billings, or Helena for their supervised visits. If we get busy it is my hope to hire and train more people providing more jobs in a community that really needs employment and jobs security. I intend to reach out to legal services locally to let them know about what we are doing for families who are struggling for many different reasons. I envisage a place where families can reconnect with parental guidance and support and hope. To provide a place where local agencies like Child Protective Services and Juvenile Probation services can refer local families for help help and support and guidance for their needs Because I am interested in improving peoples' quality of life and helping them get back on their feet. Giving adults, children, teens and families the chance to rebuild and get better. I have been a licensed LCSW for 5 years here in Livingston there are many of us here and most of us are full. People/families need help reconnecting, and learning how to do things differently. Counseling cannot always provide the levels of guidance and support families need. Divorce is tough on children and providing information and support on how to help parents through a divorce and children through a divorce would be really helpful for many.

  • Self Identified Competition

    I do not believe there is anyone else in Park County who offers supervised visitation services for families which is why I want to set it up. Also, I am not sure what types of Parenting classes are offered locally other than "Circle of Security" at Community Health Partners in Park County. I would like offer parenting classes in whatever might be required to help local residents. Going through a divorce, parenting in 2024, social issues with children in the community and how to parent children through this. I don't think I have any competitors locally. I know of Hearts and Home in Bozeman and Resilience Visitation in Bozeman. YWCA in Helena and there is one in Billings but I cannot remember the name of the company. As an LCSW I have been involved in many court cases where visits have been recommended but families are not able to get them set up because either they do not have vehicles or the money to get to Bozeman or the other companies in Bozeman are full with their customers from their own city/county.

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