U S G r a n t s . c o m
December 3, 2024, 5:47 pm UTC

All Inclusive Healthcare LLC 992588613 | Government Grant Application

All Inclusive Healthcare LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 992588613

    Location: Greenville, SC, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: $250k to $500k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    I plan to use the funding to hire more professionals and for inventory and supplies. I also plan to use the funding to supply housing for the veterans that I am going to be working with and helping. I’m also planning on expanding my business. My business is starting with 2 states, SC and NC and I would love to help out in more states.

  • Business Plan

    By the end of the next 5 years I plan on having my business in 5 to 10 different states making the first 5 states being the minority states where my business is really needed. I also have a plan to have my business fully grown with employees from all different areas of the world incorporating many healthcare techniques creating a diversity healthcare field. At the end of 5 years I plan to have anywhere from 200 to 500 plus employees working for my company. My company will also have more areas of healthcare extended within the company embracing many healthcare issues that will get solved. My business will outreach to many healthcare needs that will be implanted into one business including a school for CNAs and Nurses to get there certifications and be able to jump right in to working for my company Investors should invest in my business because healthcare is a rising issue in the United States every year. My business is intended to help the fragile ones in need that has no type of way to get the help they really need.m and have multiple parts to help multiple entities. Investors should help my business because I can guarantee a rapid positive growth from day one and any negative impact shall be resolved immediately. My business involves revolving positive change

  • Self Identified Competition

    All facilities and individuals in healthcare are my competitors. I’ve seen the good bad and ugly and I’ve seen where care and passion is not shown. My primary goal is to come out and be on top to prove what love care and compassion can create in growth and in prosperity What makes me different from my competitors is the passion that I have for healthcare. My passion drives me to my full potential and drives me to close the gaps where there should be none I go above and beyond and don’t stop until the problem gets solved. I have a caring aspect of me that most don’t have when it comes to my field of work. I work for the clients not for me; when my clients are happy, I am happy.

  • Contact Applicant

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