U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 1:38 am UTC

ROSSAM, LLC 20165295DC | Government Grant Application

ROSSAM, LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 20165295DC

    Location: North Yarmouth, ME, United States

    Length of Operation: 6-10

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    This funding request will be used to pay for shelf life analysis of my sauces which will double their shelf life. This will be a significant leap forward and will reduce the need for me to produce more product to replace one with a short shelf life. I will also use funds for marketing on my website and for label creation/refinement.

  • Business Plan

    My plan has always been to retire from my day job as an Engineer in the near future (1-3 years) and expand the distribution of my products throughout New England. I will invest in my on-line presence, develop new products, and spend more time expanding to retailers. As business expands, I plan to have my products produced by a copacker that will allow volume production to support expansion. I have an existing relationship with a copacker in Maine, so it is simply a matter of funding once the demand expands. This request is the first step towards expansion. My goal is to be the #1 Maine produced barbecue sauce. I currently sell my products at Bow Street Market in Freeport, Maine and at one time they said my Habanero sauce was their best seller. I have now produced my first true, "hot sauce" (vice barbecue sauce). I has been well received in the few months I have been selling it. But I need funds for label development as well. I have a passion for my barbecue sauces and rubs and have been producing and perfecting them since before 2016, at the start of my business. I entered several of my sauces in the 2021 American Royal World Series of Barbecue Sauce contest and my ROSSAM Habanero took 9th in the world in the hot category, my ROSSAM Original took 17th in the sweet category and my ROSSAM Mustard took 15th in the mustard category. So my sauces can compete on any world stage and I feel sales will expand, with more market exposure. My request for $5,000.00 will pay for needed product shelf life analysis for more efficient production and well as marketing. I love to sell at craft shows and feed back from customers and fellow crafters is, "You're good at selling." I believe I am and will continue to grow my business with investor help to the point where it is full-time for me.

  • Self Identified Competition

    1. Beast Feast Maine, Bridgeton, Maine. They describe themselves as "Maine's Premier Sauce and Rub Company, est 2009." I know the owner and have watched him expand his business. 2. Captain Mowatt's, Portland, Maine. They describe themselves as "Maine's Hot Sauce Company." They sell barbecue sauce and hot sauces. I know the owner here as well. He has good distribution and website sales. 3. Stonewall Kitchen - They are a large company, but do sell in my segment. There are others, such as Maine Chefs and Schlotterbeck & Foss. I have competed on a world stage (2021 American Royal World Series of Barbecue Sauce Contest) and placed well. This gives me credibility that I my products are world class. Each year my craft show sales expand and I get repeat customers that also order from my website. People love the concept of my company name because I have two sons, Ross and Sam... hence ROSSAM. I have always been about family, friends and great food!

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