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September 8, 2024, 12:22 am UTC

Aeon Capital Enterprises L.L.C. DBA Learners AI 202357919570 | Government Grant Application

Aeon Capital Enterprises L.L.C. DBA Learners AI | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 202357919570

    Location: Campbell, CA, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: $500k to $1M

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    Learners AI First-Year Budget Personnel Costs Item Cost CEO/Founder $120,000 CTO (Chief Technology Officer) $150,000 AI/ML Engineer (2) $200,000 ($100,000 each) Frontend Developer $90,000 Backend Developer $100,000 Data Scientist $110,000 Marketing Manager $80,000 Sales Manager $80,000 HR Manager $70,000 Administrative Assistant $50,000 Total Personnel Costs $1,050,000 Technology Costs Item Cost AI Development Tools (TensorFlow, PyTorch, etc.) $20,000 Cloud Services (AWS, Azure) $50,000 CRM and Marketing Tools (Salesforce, HubSpot) $15,000 Productivity Tools (Office 365, Slack, etc.) $10,000 Laptops and Workstations $30,000 Servers and Networking Equipment $20,000 Total Technology Costs $145,000 Marketing and Sales Costs Item Cost Website Development and Maintenance $15,000 Branding and Design $10,000 Digital Marketing (SEO, PPC, Social Media Ads) $50,000 Content Creation (Blogs, Videos, Webinars) $20,000 Events and Conferences $15,000 Sales Collateral (Brochures, Flyers, etc.) $5,000 Total Marketing and Sales Costs $115,000 Operational Costs Item Cost Office Space Rent (if applicable) $60,000 Utilities and Internet $10,000 Office Supplies and Furniture $10,000 Legal and Accounting Services $20,000 Insurance $10,000 Total Operational Costs $110,000 Miscellaneous Costs Item Cost Travel and Accommodation $15,000 Training and Professional Development $10,000 Contingency Fund (5% of total budget) $72,000 Total Miscellaneous Costs $97,000 Total Estimated Budget Item Cost $1,517,000

  • Business Plan

    Learners AI 5-Year Business Growth Plan Year 1: Establishing Foundations Objectives: Develop and launch the initial version of the AI Ecosystem. Establish partnerships with pilot schools. Build a strong team and infrastructure. Key Milestones: Q1: Finalize core team hiring, complete product design, and initiate pilot partnerships. Q2: Launch MVP (Minimum Viable Product) for pilot schools and gather feedback. Q3: Refine and enhance the product based on pilot feedback. Q4: Secure initial seed funding ($1M - $2M), expand marketing efforts, and onboard additional pilot schools. Strategies: Focus on product development and user experience. Develop case studies from pilot schools to showcase effectiveness. Network with educational leaders and attend relevant conferences. Year 2: Expansion and Market Penetration Objectives: Expand user base and refine AI tools. Strengthen brand presence in the educational sector. Begin generating revenue through subscriptions and partnerships. Key Milestones: Q1: Onboard additional schools and educators, enhancing the AI Ecosystem. Q2: Introduce premium features and tiered subscription plans. Q3: Initiate a marketing campaign targeting a wider audience. Q4: Achieve a user base of 100 schools and secure Series A funding ($5M - $10M). Strategies: Enhance product features based on user feedback. Invest in marketing and sales efforts to drive adoption. Build strategic alliances with educational technology companies. Year 3: Product Diversification and Revenue Growth Objectives: Diversify product offerings to include more AI tools. Increase revenue streams and profitability. Expand into new markets. Key Milestones: Q1: Launch additional AI tools for grading, communication, and professional development tracking. Q2: Expand into new regions (nationally and internationally). Q3: Achieve a user base of 500 schools. Q4: Reach profitability and consider Series B funding ($15M - $20M) for further expansion. Strategies: Develop localized versions of the product for different regions. Enhance customer support and training programs. Explore partnerships with international educational institutions. Year 4: Scaling Operations and Enhancing Impact Objectives: Scale operations to support a growing user base. Enhance the social impact of the AI Ecosystem. Strengthen lifelong learner profiles and connectivity. Key Milestones: Q1: Improve scalability and robustness of the AI platform. Q2: Implement advanced analytics and reporting features. Q3: Achieve a user base of 1,000 schools. Q4: Launch initiatives to measure and enhance social impact, and secure Series C funding if needed. Strategies: Optimize operations and improve product scalability. Focus on social impact metrics and reporting. Increase engagement with educational policymakers and NGOs. Year 5: Industry Leadership and Global Expansion Objectives: Establish Learners AI as a leader in the edtech industry. Continue global expansion and impact. Innovate and iterate on AI tools to stay ahead of market trends. Key Milestones: Q1: Achieve a user base of 2,000 schools. Q2: Expand product offerings to include new AI-driven learning solutions. Q3: Secure partnerships with major educational organizations globally. Q4: Reach revenue targets of $50M+ and explore potential IPO or acquisition. Strategies: Invest in R&D to innovate and expand product offerings. Strengthen global partnerships and market presence. Maintain a focus on the company’s mission and vision to drive growth and impact. Financial Projections Revenue Projections: Year 1: $500,000 Year 2: $2,000,000 Year 3: $10,000,000 Year 4: $25,000,000 Year 5: $50,000,000+ Cost Projections: Year 1: $1,517,000 Year 2: $3,000,000 Year 3: $7,000,000 Year 4: $15,000,000 Year 5: $30,000,000 1 in 5 teachers has undergone a professional development workshop in AI tools. The climate is one that teachers are either afraid of incorporating or have not had the opportunity to appropriately integrate AI into their practice. As a life-long learner, teacher, executive administrator, I have a unique understanding how to inspire and lead teachers through new technology integration and lead educational communities through shifts that develop clear pathways for adaptive curated learning profiles. Beyond that I have listed the top reasons to invest in this venture below: 1. Current Market Potential Growing EdTech Market: The global EdTech market is expanding rapidly, driven by the increasing adoption of digital learning solutions and AI technology in education. High Demand for AI Solutions: There is a significant demand for AI-driven tools that can enhance educational outcomes and streamline administrative tasks, making Learners AI a timely and relevant investment. 2. Innovative Solution AI Ecosystem: Learners AI offers a unique AI Ecosystem that integrates multiple AI tools for teachers, administrators, students, and parents, addressing various pain points in education. Lifelong Learner Profiles: The focus on creating lifelong learner profiles that facilitate skill development and global collaboration sets Learners AI apart from other EdTech solutions. 3. Clear Value Proposition Time-Saving Tools: By automating repetitive tasks like lesson planning, grading, and communication, Learners AI can save educators significant time, allowing them to focus more on teaching and student interaction. Enhanced Learning Outcomes: The AI tools are designed to improve educational outcomes by providing personalized insights and support to students, educators, and parents. 4. Social Impact Alignment with UN Global Goals: Learners AI's mission to support local and global projects aligned with UN Global Goals resonates with impact investors looking to support ventures that drive positive social change. Community Engagement: The platform's ability to foster stronger connections within school communities and support lifelong learning contributes to the overall well-being of individuals and communities. 5. Scalable Business Model Subscription-Based Revenue: The tiered subscription model for accessing premium features and tools provides a scalable and recurring revenue stream. Global Expansion Potential: The platform can be easily adapted and scaled to different regions, offering significant growth opportunities both nationally and internationally. 6. Strong Market Entry Strategy Pilot Programs: Starting with pilot programs in selected schools allows for real-world testing and refinement of the product, increasing the likelihood of successful adoption and scaling. Data-Driven Approach: The use of data from school communities and scientific sources to optimize AI outputs ensures that the product remains relevant and effective. 8. Financial Projections Attractive ROI: The financial projections show significant revenue growth, with the potential for high returns on investment as the company scales. After contracting the first school district with the Learners AI Educational Ecosystem we would be able to significantly increase revenue. 9. Competitive Advantage Comprehensive Solution: Unlike many EdTech solutions that focus on a single aspect of education, Learners AI offers a comprehensive ecosystem that addresses multiple needs within the education sector. Continuous Innovation: Ongoing investment in R&D to innovate and expand product offerings ensures that Learners AI stays ahead of market trends and competition. Investing in Learners AI presents an opportunity to support an innovative, scalable, and impactful venture within the growing EdTech market. With a strong leadership team, clear value proposition, and alignment with global educational and social goals, Learners AI is well-positioned for long-term success and substantial returns for investors.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Education for AI is an established AI Literacy organization. The CEO is leading the AI Literacy charge and has worked with many teachers and school districts. The organization is strong and offers many resources and services to many learning communities. Magic is working in the same sector. They understand that saving teachers time is critical to supporting a students education. They have a digital dashboard and are looking to expand the 35K teachers that they have already connected with. Diffit is a service that offers a specific differentiations for learners. They have a strong very targeted service to support teachers who need to differentiate lessons for students with specific learning challenges. Learners AI is offering professional development workshops for the creation and use of ethical AI charters, AI literacy and AI tools. In addition, we can offer a product that securely and privately supports teachers through localized AI machines. Uniquely, each account will continuously track learners and offer them targeted pathway support that they can use locally and into any future learning community.

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