Wortman's Machine Works LLC. | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 993263162
Location: Morganton, NC, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
Metal 3d printing setup consisting of 3 machines. The printer, the wash station and the sintering oven.
Business Plan
Currently I have 3 local manufacturers on board with having me on their vendor list. I want to make more expensive specialized parts that industries NEED to have to prevent downtime. After completing enough prints to get the machine paid off along with additional funds from my maintenance job (hopefully not too much longer) I intend to buy more machines and expand to other businesses in NC. I also plan on hiring at least 1 person to do in-field measurements of the part and to expedite and courier the part to the customer at their expense. Machine down time is expensive. I've worked in industrial maintenance for eight years and I tend to understand machines better than I do people. I've worked Air Traiffic Control in multiple facilities in the US while in the Army and I've turned down higher paying jobs all because of the seed my father planted in me when I was a young man on the side of the south mountains of NC. In the short amount of time we spent together he made me want to know how everything works. He also taught me really well how to properly hold a flashlight with tons of expletives. He taught me how to be a good man and provider to my wife and 3 kids under 8! I have watered the seed he planted and I hate to be boastful but I can fix anything; even this machine i wish to purchase. I wish he could see my machines set up in my shop when they arrive. Momma sure will though! She's already requested wind chimes and new plow disc's for her tractor. I was hurt while in the military in training and have had a back surgery at 25 and two knee surgeries at 23. I cannot keep abusing my body for other people until retirement my body will never make it. I have a family I love and want to give them something and hope they have a quarter of the passion that I have for this. If that's all they have they'll make it happen.
Self Identified Competition
Toner Machining Technologies-CNC Machine shop James too-CNC Machine shop Chinese Machine shops on the internet I can work with my customers on a closer level to rapidly find a solution to get the machine up and running. Downtime absolutely horrifies business owners, plant managers and I can find a solution quickly by building the part. Industrial machine parts are already ignorantly expensive. But they may be even more expensive if you want it made and couriered in the next 2-160 hours depending on print volume.
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