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September 8, 2024, 1:56 am UTC

Empowered Path Occupational Therapy LLC 1 | Government Grant Application

Empowered Path Occupational Therapy LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 1

    Location: Loveland, CO, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    New desktop computer that can support telehealth, software that incorporates HIPAA complaint documentation along with the telehealth capabilities(examples include Therapy Notes), potentially a microphone if the computer does not have one. I'm looking at an iMac to prepare for future video recording and editing of education contact for patients and other health care practitioners. Credentialing in Graded Motor Imagery and Therapeutic Pain Specialist through Evidence in Motion. This is a tertiary request, but the graded motor imagery certification is essential in setting me up for success to address the needs of my target population.

  • Business Plan

    Right now my business i just myself. As 1 in 5 adults currently live with chronic pain, and there are no other occupational therapy services offering my specialty, I anticipate that I can grow as quickly as I want. I'll be starting by taking Tricare insurance and private pay, and will be getting referrals from my own VHA pain team. I anticipate that in 5 years I can have at least one employee, and likely more. My goal is to ensure that I, and my business, provide excellent care. My specialty in pain science is not very common to the only obstacle may be finding OTs with the training. I do plan to offer training, as well as developing video content and courses to offer to patients and other health care professionals. I also plan to continue to build my public speaking resume and use speaking engagements as a way to generate income. I am a female Coast Guard veteran who lives with chronic pain. Before my time in the military, I was highly active and always on the go. After I was injured on duty, my entire life turned upside down. I had to re-create who I was, as I had always tied my worth to my productivity and my activity. I became an occupational therapist because of a number of reasons, mostly because I wanted to help people. That same urge is what sent me into the military, as well as the desire to do more with my life that retail and food management. While there is nothing wrong with the people who dedicate their lives in the service industry, I felt called to serve in a different capacity. I knew first hand what it's like to be a person experience chronic, persistent and debilitating pain in the current health care system. i was discounted, disbelieved and suffered significant medical trauma from the behavior of health care workers who were supposed to be there to help. I decided I would be different. I would be the person(maybe the only person) who would look at my patients and say "I believe you." I realized that there are no services in Northern Colorado that offer an occupational therapy perspective on pain management. We have plenty of pain clinics, but no one is addressing all three components of pain. If we do not acknowledge and address the biological, psychological and social aspects of pain, we are failing our patients.

  • Self Identified Competition

    At this time, there are no other occupational therapists in Northern Colorado offering my services. This signifies a huge gap in essential health care that I intend to care. Even my VA team does not have an occupational therapist on the team, which is why I'm going to be getting referrals from them as soon as I am credentialed through Tricare. Occupational therapy is magic. The foundation of our education is in addressing the biological, psychological and social factors that impact performance. We are the health care professionals doing the dirty work of getting people back to the things they want and need to do. We can work through mental health struggle, build strength and endurance, help plan accessible vacations. We help people live their best lives. With your help and financial support, people and veterans living with pain in Northern Colorado can get the help they so deserve.

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