U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 1:36 am UTC

Organize Ur Grime 88-1353933 | Government Grant Application

Organize Ur Grime | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 88-1353933

    Location: Port Charlotte, FL, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    I plan to pay everything off, which just recently got to high i cant catch up. Put people on payroll so we can accept all the new jobs and be able to grow. Uniforms, equipment, supplies, transportation, the list goes on! I would even be able to afford to take care of our 5 kids. The possibilities are endless!!

  • Business Plan

    With money I can definitely grow my business in the next 5 years. I will hire employees, get uniforms, equipment, supplies, etc. Get a small location for company (instead of my garage). Bid for bigger jobs (employees make that possible). I would be able to focus on the business management side to manage expenses better. Then I would also finally have the time to volunteer and help our community more. While advertising by word of mouth. I would like to move and open another location after this location is set up. I've never been that person that can tell you want you want to hear or that has a crazy story. But you should invest in me (and my family's) because we deserve to live our dream too! I've been through alot in my life and never got to do what I wanted. Had to take care of my little brother and mom instead of pursuing my dream. I even went to college and was 6 months away from a bachelor's degree but couldn't finish it because someone else's life and dream mattered more. Then losing my mom and brother and finding out I was pregnant in less than a year. Im almost 40 and still trying to make something out of my life not just for me but our 5 children. Having a company that's NOT like every other company. Family, friendly, good environment where you can grow l, move up, and feel good about your self and know you are appreciated. I started this company because all the places I have worked I have NEVER found a job with an environment like the one Organize Ur Grime has! Let me show you how having a good work environment can help our communities and people not just now but in the future. It's hard to find good decent people and it feels like to get anywhere in this world you have to be the opposite. Show everyone that's NOT true. And good people deserve a break. I'm positive my answers might not stuck out or be the best but they're honest and heartfelt. I just can't explain how much this would mean for me and my family so PLEASE allow me to show you!!

  • Self Identified Competition

    The cleaning companies in my area are Molly maids, MaidPro, and "individuals". They all can offer cheaper prices for less work. Alot of our clients switch to us because the competitiors do not "care". We are different and make each of our clients feel noticed and special. Just need the chance to grow I am pretty sure I've answered this already lol. What makes me different is what I've been through and who I am. I never really liked,enjoyed, or understand my life until about 7-9 years ago. Meeting my fiancé & our 5 kids is when my life started. I have so much to do, share, and change the world but I'm running out now time (not thay young anymore haha). This company is so much more because it's a place to grow, be yourself, be happy, be appreciated. I want a place where people don't hate going to work, or has to put or feel put down all the time. I want to spread love, respect, and joy. We don't just clean homes we change lives!

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