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September 8, 2024, 1:44 am UTC

Balanced Innovations LLC 3015093 | Government Grant Application

Balanced Innovations LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 3015093

    Location: Southport, CT, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    I hope to focus my business on contracting with other small US-based businesses that sell sensory and therapeutic items. This cash flow would allow me to purchase small orders from the creators themselves and store them appropriately before sending them to customers. I am extremely passionate about bringing sensory materials to everyone who needs them after watching my sister, who has autism, struggle with sensory processing her entire life. I intend to use these funds to locate the highest quality, US-made materials for the consumers who need sensory relief.

  • Business Plan

    The next stage of my business plan is to contact small business owners who are looking for additional platforms for their products. I plan to focus on smaller businesses at first and hope to expand to larger manufacturers in the future. Our focus is to bring high-quality sensory materials that really work. Having more hands-on access to the products would allow us to test and properly describe the products to our customers. Additionally, we plan to offer more therapy-oriented products in the future. This includes items like therapy workbooks and curriculums for practitioners. Additionally, I hope to partner with different medical groups that specialize in behavioral and sensory needs testing. This would give me significant steady cash flow and allow me to further expand my selection to include a greater number of needs met. I have worked very hard for my entire professional career in the service of others. From retail to inpatient psychiatric care, I have spent nearly two decades in the workforce, working with people and understanding their needs. Specifically, I have twelve years of experience working directly with special-needs populations. Much of the new research aligns with what I have witnessed firsthand: a number of behavioral issues we see in developmental disorders are sensory-oriented. That means that if someone cannot effectively handle the sensations coming into their brain, they cannot function as we would expect them to. This business is truly my passion. After seeing how effective quality sensory materials were for my patients, clients, and (on a personal level) my sister, I felt inspired to bring this ability to self-soothe to everyone.

  • Self Identified Competition

    The major competitor that everyone worries about is Amazon. I think that while I cannot compete on the scale of Amazon, I believe my attention to detail and my professional opinion on the products will only set us apart as a better option than Amazon. Other competitors have similar products, but specifically target autism or other disorders. Our platform is designed so that everyone who needs relief from stress can find something that helps them. We have everything from bite-resistant rings for autism to weighted blankets and colorful journal kits. Instead of focusing on the mentally ill population, we aim to bring the idea of sensory therapy to everyone. Everyone benefits from a warm blanket or some soft, ambient lighting! We are also planning to set ourselves apart via our search function. Where other companies sort items by type (i.e., Weighted Blankets), we are going to set our search functions by symptom. For example, if you were to search for Anxiety, weighted blankets, fidget toys, aromatherapy options, and anxiety rings would come up. So instead of limiting the consumer to one option for anxiety (weighted blankets), they now have multiple options so they can choose what really works for them.

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