U S G r a n t s . c o m
October 18, 2024, 3:52 am UTC

Mountain Pallet LLC 81-3042924 | Government Grant Application

Mountain Pallet LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 81-3042924

    Location: Bluefield, WV, United States

    Length of Operation: 6-10

    Number of Employees: 11-25 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: $1M to $10M

    Annual Gross Expense: $1M to $10M

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    Expansion, cash flow, and debt reduction.

  • Business Plan

    Over the past several years I have focused on three main goals for my business; expansion, cash flow, and reducing debt. In order to provide my customers with the convenience of shipping internationally I must be able to klin-dry or heat treat any of my raw material products. Currently, I pay a third party to do this for me. I would like to be able to purchase a dry-klin oven to be able to heat treat all of my products in house. In doing so, it would take not only the monetary resources but the physical room which I now have at my new location which I just purchased a year ago. This larger facility has given me the physical space to grow my business and the opportunity to not only expand with a klin-dry oven but to incorporate robotic pallet building and stacking machines into my manufacturing process for improved speed, efficiency and a possible reduction in payroll expenses. With all that being said, everything I have listed will have the potential to increase my customer base and sales so I would have to integrate larger, more complex, saws and sharpening machines into the initial manufacturing operation so I can have the ability to handle the extra volume of raw wood coming in to be cut down and manufactured into my final product, whether it may be a pallet, skid, crate, or specialty product; all of which can be sold both domestic and internationally. Finally, as a way to keep pricing affordable and relationships personable with my local customers, I like to handle deliveries myself. I would need to upgrade my worn out, overhauled trucks, that would in turn, cut costs on breakdowns, save time, and avoid delayed deliveries. All of the above is centered around keeping my customers satisfied and creating long-lasting business relationships, which brings us full circle in networking without the cost of advertisements. However, if I had the advantage of extra capital I would definitely venture down the avenue of advertising and marketing strategies. Thus brings together my five year plan for my business to grow and monopolize the local market as a woman owned business in primarily a predominantly male industry. To sum it up in one word, Survivor; I am a survivor. I don't take no for an answer and I will keep trying until somebody tells me yes. When I decide to do something I don't just do it half-way, I put in 1000% and all of my energy goes into succeeding at my said goal. In my younger years I took my life and freedom for granted and I swore if I ever made it out of that horrible situation that I would turn my life around and makeup for everything I lost, missed, and wasted. I'll share the cliff notes version of my story just to prove my determination and perseverance. On March 25, 2024, that day marked sixteen years of sobriety for me. With God's mercy and grace I've been able to win the fight against drug addiction and once I was released from prison in 2012 I've closed that chapter in my life and not looked back. Yes, I am a convicted felon but I've not let that hinder me, instead I've learned from my mistakes, dug in my heels and decided to get back all of the rights that I once let be taken from me. I've beat our countries recidivism rate of 77% at a decade of being released from incarceration and I've become a statistic of the few who actually rehabilitate. I am the reformed needle junkie turned successful business owner and now I offer second chance employment to those individuals who are in the same, unfortunate situation that I once was. Sometimes all people need is someone to believe in them and that's something I offer my employees along with a testimony that if I did it you can too. Nothing has come easy for me or been giving to me but I have a drive in me that will not let me quit and I will succeed or die trying. So investing in me is a sure thing because I've been tossed away before and here I am back to fight another day and I won't only survive but I'll exorbitantly thrive.

  • Self Identified Competition

    I don't prefer to use the term "competitor" as I've never been in competition with the other manufactures near me, instead I have chosen to work with them. I try to have respectful working relationships with my peers. As I mentioned earlier, the third party who currently provides me with a means to provide heat treated products to my customers, is another pallet fabricator near me. I know that may sound strange for a business owner to say but really it's not when you look at how I run my business. There's plenty of business to go around so there's no need to play cut-throat, so if anyone looks at me as a competitor then that's really their problem. In my opinion, a high moral compass is the key to any successful business and I've found it's much easier to work with someone than against them. Being a minority in my field of work does make it more difficult but I refuse to compromise my morals just get ahead in business. Financial resources, location, and specializations makes me different. I'm a younger female, with a smaller business, so I don't have the means available to me that an older male whose been in this industry for thirty plus years longer than I have, nor do I receive the opportunities that has been offered to him. Distance plays a huge role in our differences as we're sixty plus miles or more away from each other. Finally, I specialize. Most fabricators in my industry choose to provide only the most popular and vastly purchased sizes but not me. If you want an odd sized pallet, an extremely large, heavy-duty skid, or a heat treated crate with a lid, then I will build it for you. There's no job I'll turn down and that's our biggest difference.

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