U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 1:53 am UTC

Tony Ellis Tony Ellis | Government Grant Application

Tony Ellis | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: Tony Ellis

    Location: Rockdale, TX, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: $250k to $500k

    Annual Gross Expense: $250k to $500k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    I am trying to purchase land and build the only shooting range for a 50 mile radius around my store location. This would provide opportunity for law enforcement, youth groups, and general public access to a safe and functional shooting range.

  • Business Plan

    I just completed a move from 600 sqft. to 2000 sqft. facility. I'm still in the process of expanding the inventory and increasing the sales for the store itself. My next logical step is to build a shooting range, as there are NONE within 50 miles of Rockdale. This means I would have a monopoly on the opportunity! I have been in business since 2018 and have grown the business from "working from home" to a 2000 sqft retail store. I have licensing and experience in training at various levels. This includes, but is not limited to, Texas LTC, Private Security Officer, Active Shooter, NRA & USCCA instructor, TPWD Hunter's Education, US Coast Guard Auxiliary Boater's Safety, and many other courses. My experience and training abilities will make the expansion into a shooting range a guaranteed success. The background work for legal entities, CPA projections for income, business plan, marketing and demographics studies by NSSF, Range design based on NRA standards, and much more have already been completed. I have scouted several locations, inside Rockdale city limits and outside city limits and have multiple designs depending on the size and shape of the property. Bascially, I have all the basic legwork done and can explain the benefits and profit potential of the project when needed.

  • Self Identified Competition

    The only competitors I have are a gun store in Taylor Texas (30 miles away) and a few others further away. There are NO RANGES within 50 miles of my location. Effectively, I have no competition for my project. There are no other competitors for 50 miles. I have experience in building a business from scratch. In 1995 I opened a business with 3k cash. In seven years, I owned a 1600 sqft building and the only local Internet company. The business was sold for $125,000 in 2001. I can do this again with the range project and the storefront already open. As the only range in the area, I would be a one-stop for purchasing and shooting firearms. Law Enforcement has committed to use the range for their qualifications, the public is very excited about the project, and I have the training and experience to make it successful in the first year!

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