U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 1:56 am UTC

Queen B’s Bakery VZPMVQKBSJQ6 | Government Grant Application

Queen B’s Bakery | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: VZPMVQKBSJQ6

    Location: Livermore, ME, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    I have outgrown the space we currently operate out of and need to find a space that can accommodate our growth. I’d also like to be able to offer products fresh and ready to sell as we currently do not have a space open to the public with ready made products. Funds would be used to help purchase equipment, help with expenses associated with our events, and provide some working capital to lease the space we’ve found on Water street in Augusta. We’d like to rent a space which is at a retail level with apartment complexes being installed in the floors above. We’d utilize this space by installing a commercial kitchen that can accommodate our wholesale needs as well as have a cafe area to serve coffee, donuts, pastries and so on. In the cafe area, we’d also include products from other Maine local businesses & farms to help support the community.

  • Business Plan

    I would like to grow my business to not only offer products day by day to the public in a retail setting, but also increase my audience reach & online sales through an effective marketing strategy & solid business model. This business model includes attending major events all over the country to increase our reach and build brand awareness. We already have found and applied to events such as the Colorado Stock show and the Florida Strawberry festival early next year and are waiting for word back on whether we’ve been approved. We expect answers by October-November. Through this business model, we plan to build teams of brand ambassadors to sell our products and attend multiple events in different locations all year round. In these efforts, after we’ve established our flagship retail location and have successfully built a name for ourselves in our major target markets (through events we attend), we would like to introduce retail locations in these areas. I am an educated women, with an associates in Business Management, graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelors in Marketing, am a standing member of the National Society of Leaders and Success (NSLS) and currently possess a 4.0 GPA in efforts towards a MBA. I have run several businesses myself with a insatiable appetite for business, learning new skills, and building myself personally & in my career. I have worked in many fields, including car sales and was very successful only choosing to leave due to my desire to put that same level of ambition towards my own company. I have known from a very young age that I would be my own boss one day and can successfully say I’ve fulfilled that aspiration. I am currently at the cusp of reaching the next level with my business but am in a position where I need working capital to ensure success for my efforts of expansion. Investors that choose to invest with me can rest assured knowing that I will do everything I can to ensure the success of this venture and work hard to ensure a return on their investment.

  • Self Identified Competition

    There is another bakery that recently opened in Augusta, called J.Marie Cake co, they serve pastries and also offer cakes and desserts. They would be a major competitor as they are the only other retail bakery in the Augusta area outside of grocery store bakeries such as Walmart, Sam’s Club, Shaw’s or Hannaford who all offer cakes and desserts at much lower prices than a retail locally owned bakery can offer. My business is different from competitors because I have an established brand and audience that I’ve been cultivating for 6 years. (I took time off following the birth of my son & officially reopened to orders/events in December). While I plan to offer products in a retail space, I will be reaching broader and broader audiences compared to a small retail bakery. I have already begun establishing my brand in New Hampshire in addition to the audience I’ve already established in Maine & have plans to continue to grow that audience nationwide, one state at a time. My focus is on growth, sustained quality through scaling & increased brand awareness across the board.

  • Contact Applicant

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