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September 8, 2024, 12:14 am UTC

Nxt Level Fitness LLC 81.5263544 | Government Grant Application

Nxt Level Fitness LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 81.5263544

    Location: chandler, AZ, United States

    Length of Operation: 6-10

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: $100k to $250k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    Finance the opening of my gym, including help covering the initial deposit which is usually equal to one months rent, build out costs including rubber flooring and turf installation, and acquiring some new equipment. I will use the funding to expand my marketing efforts to reach more youth athletes. I am going use this funding to sponsor at least 30 new athletes who come from low income households while also using the funds to hire 2 new coaches to help with the increased volume of clients.

  • Business Plan

    I plan to grow my business in a number of ways over the next 5 years. Phase one of my business, once I am in my own building, is to bring on an additional coach so that I can duplicate myself and service more athletes. I have been in contact with another coach over the last 6 months and we are simply waiting for my business to be in its own building before we work together. Once my new coach is on board, my marketing efforts will increase since I will have the capacity to take on new athletes. This will involve me going to more of my athletes games and practices to meet new kids and parents while also strongly highlighting my new facility through social media campaigns. I am also going to bring on a personal trainer to help service and grow the general population side of Nxt Level Fitness. I am going to install an indoor golf simulator and bring on a professional golf instructor to teach private lessons. I am already in conversations with a golf professional to bring on board, and we are planning to create golf performance packages for his youth and adult golf students that will include golf lessons and a fitness and nutrition plan. Lastly, I am going to install a display case that will allow me to properly sell my apparel and supplements. The goal is to have phase one completed within the first 6 months of opening. Once that phase is complete, my marketing efforts will be targeted at bringing in a massage therapist, a chiropractor, and/or a physical therapist. I am going to create a one stop shop when it comes to personal training, sports performance, and recovery to best serve my clients. I will also be working on partnerships with youth football organizations and schools who I am already servicing to allow more of their athletes and parents to get services from Nxt Level Fitness. Phase two will also include investments into more equipment and technology to better service our current clients while attracting new ones. Once phase two is completed, the plan for phase three is to implement more services such as adult fitness classes, youth strength and conditioning classes, youth stretching and recovery classes, and expanding into other markets in which I am currently working in which are baseball, softball, and hockey. With the increased volume and revenue, this will also allow me to donate more to local charities such as The Phoenix Children's Hospital, Valley Christian High School (where I graduated from), and Veteran services. I believe that all three phases can be up and running smoothly by year five. This will be an amazing opportunity to expand and open a second location in a different part of Arizona using my current blueprint to bring our amazing services to even more clients and athletes. I believe I am more than just a sports performance coach and personal trainer. I find purpose and meaning through my work, teaching, supporting, and mentoring these young men and women, as some of my valued mentors and coaches have done for me throughout my time as an athlete. At Nxt Level, we are a team, and we train to build ourselves not only on the field, but also personally, building character, grit, and perseverance. All attributes that will help take these youth athletes far in life. I do my best to provide an environment of teamwork, safety, and respect. I teach these young athletes to learn to speak to themselves and others with kindness and integrity, lift each other up, and work together regardless of which team they play for or athletic ability. I attempt to help these young men and women apply their training to life outside the gym, beyond skill building and athletic performance. It is also very important to me to support my athletes beyond the walls of the gym. Even though I am not a coach on their team, I go to their games and tournaments, go over film with them, and connect their performance in games to their training in the gym. I take the time before, during, or after a training session to connect with an athlete if they seem to be having a hard day; I believe in seeing these youth beyond the role of an athlete, and supporting them where they are at. I consistently receive feedback from parents of these athletes about the value and meaning I am bringing to their children, both within significant improvement in athletic performance and as young men and women in our society. Sports performance training can be very difficult mentally and physically and I do my best to teach these youth athletes that all of the grit and determination that they are developing for their sport will translate greatly to them being successful in life. I instill these same values when working with the general population in the context of personal training. I meet every client where they are at in life, teach them to enjoy and trust the process of growth, and help them learn how to lead a healthy, balanced lifestyle without sacrificing the things they enjoy. Your investment will allow me to continue to pour value into youth athletes, promoting improvements in athletics, character, and overall personal development. It will help me help individuals in the community continue to develop self-love and personal growth as they work to achieve their personal training goals. It will overall allow me to give back to our community in more ways than I thought possible. Thank you so much for your consideration, I am grateful for the opportunity to share this information with you and potentially earn your investment in pursuit of my mission to make a meaningful difference through my work.

  • Self Identified Competition

    I believe that A-2-Z Sports Training is one major competitor in sports performance. They do a great job working with their athletes. From what I have seen, they focus primarily on football training. We even train some of the same athletes. They do the majority of their training outside, while using one of the owners garages for weight room training for their athletes and some general population training. Another business that i would believe to be a competitor would be Taylor Academy. They do solely football specific training. They utilize a small indoor area and use an outdoor field as well. The third top competitor would be OYD Sports Academy. They run an indoor sports performance business that primarily focuses on football and soccer training. I strive to communicate with each athlete in a way that connects with them. I do my best to help them understand the purpose of each movement, drill, and respectful interaction with others. I have found that when they truly connect with the purpose, they are more easily able to meaningfully give 100% and support each other in the process. When they do not perform the drills properly, I ensure to stop the drill and reexplain how to perform it and how it translates directly to the field of play. I also pour this level of coaching into their mindset and personal development. I have been consistently given feedback from the parents that this level of communication and coaching is something that has been missing from other coaches and trainers they have worked with in the past. This is also something that I have noticed has been absent when I have observed my competitors in their work. I also believe that I separate myself from my sports performance competitors by ensuring that I attend my athlete’s games as often as is possible. I show up to support them, see if our training is translating to the field as intended, and take notes on what they still need to work on. I take film and go over that film with them during our training sessions so they can see what I am seeing and develop the necessary level of understanding for application. I have been told by the athletes’ different coaches and parents that I am the only sports performance coach that they have seen actually come to the games to support their athlete. One major aspect that will separate me from some of my competitors is the ability to train my athletes at an indoor facility. Being in Arizona, having an indoor location has been very lucrative and beneficial to the athletes and teams. During the summer months especially, it can be a strong competitive advantage to escape the heat, not just for the athletes, but for the parents as well. Also, during the winter months, daylight ends early, which doesn’t give these youth athletes much time to come home from school, do their homework, and still receive the specialized training that they desire since most parks and fields are unlit. I have been able to significantly grow my sports performance business through renting space from other gym owners at an indoor facility. Nxt Level Fitness is ready to take the next step in renting its own facility and provide the highest level of service possible. I believe that I separate myself from my general population personal training competition as well, by meeting each client where they are at in life. I do not utilize “cookie-cutter” programs. I teach each client a healthy balance lifestyle that works for them, without diets and unrealistic goals. I have had many clients come to me, afraid to hire a trainer due to poor experiences they or their loved ones have had in being forced into programs that were a poor fit and in disregard of the things they enjoy such as certain foods or activities. Instead, I pride myself on empathically serving each client where they are at and helping them take meaningful steps towards their ultimate goals in a healthy and sustainable way. I am also very clinical in my approach. I take every new client through an extensive initial assessment to ensure adequate evaluation of their baseline health and wellness and provide the most effective service possible. I also track their statistics over time to help them tangibly see their progress along the way and facilitate making adjustments as needed to stay on track. I have been told by some of my previous and current clients that their previous trainer never took the time to take them through an assessment and simply threw them into a random workout plan. Overall, I believe that my pure intentions and love for what I do really separates me from my competition. This is much more than just a paycheck for me. I am living my passion every single day. My mission to make a positive impact on every client and athlete is what drives me to be the best trainer, coach, and mentor that I can possibly be.

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