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September 8, 2024, 3:39 am UTC

Military Adaptive Sports 300432256523 | Government Grant Application

Military Adaptive Sports | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 300432256523

    Location: Pompano Beach, FL, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    Military Adaptive Sports can expect several expenses, including but not limited to: - Facility rental or maintenance costs for sports facilities or fields - Staff salaries and benefits for coaches, trainers, and administrative personnel - Equipment and gear for athletes and sports programs - Travel expenses for teams participating in competitions - Marketing and advertising costs to promote sports programs and events - Insurance to cover liability and other risks associated with sports activities - Administrative expenses such as office supplies, utilities, and technology infrastructure - Costs associated with organizing sports events, tournaments, and leagues - Fees for permits and licenses required for sports activities These are just some of the ordinary expenses that we at Military Adaptive Sports, a non-profit sports organization could incur. Our organization's specific expenses will depend on its size, scope, and the particular adaptive sports programs we will offer. As a new non-profit organization, we are prepared to adapt to the changing needs of our community. We seek to generate revenue through donations, grants, fundraising events, membership fees, and providing adaptive goods or services. We foresee the possibility of earning income from investments or through government contracts to provide future services to other government organizations as needed, demonstrating our adaptability and commitment to our mission and supporting the specific goals of achieving their adaptive sports goal. MAS can expect several expenses, including but not limited to: - Facility rental or maintenance costs for sports facilities or fields - Staff salaries and benefits for coaches, trainers, and administrative personnel - Equipment and gear for athletes and sports programs - Travel expenses for teams participating in competitions - Marketing and advertising costs to promote sports programs and events - Insurance to cover liability and other risks associated with sports activities - Administrative expenses such as office supplies, utilities, and technology infrastructure - Costs associated with organizing sports events, tournaments, and leagues - Fees for permits and licenses required for sports activities These are just some of the ordinary expenses that we could incur at Military Adaptive Sports, a non-profit sports organization. Our organization's specific expenses will depend on its size, scope, and the particular adaptive sports programs we will conduct. We have estimated a total cost of around $40,900 for a projected cycling event in North Carolina. This estimate includes flight, lodging, travel, equipment, admission costs, food, and per diem. To have a counselor, mechanic, exercise physiologist, photographer, and physical trainer for the three days, we estimated a total of $40,900. These professionals will be responsible for [specific roles and responsibilities]. We are currently working on the cost of having a counselor, physical trainer, and photographer for this and each event in which Military Adaptive Sports participates.

  • Business Plan

    We have identified several key strategies and initiatives to ensure the growth of Military Adaptive Sports over the next five years. Firstly, we will focus on expanding our reach and impact within the community of military injured veterans and injured first responders by offering various adaptive sports programs and events. We aim to attract more participants and supporters to our cause by increasing our offerings. Additionally, we plan to enhance our fundraising efforts by developing strategic partnerships with corporate sponsors, government agencies, and other non-profit organizations. These partnerships will enable us to secure more significant donations, grants, and sponsorships to support our operations and programs. Furthermore, we will prioritize building a solid and active volunteer base to support our programs and events. This will allow us to optimize our resources and expand our capacity to serve the community effectively. In line with our commitment to adaptability, we will explore new sources of revenue, such as investment opportunities and government contracts, to ensure the financial sustainability of our organization. Lastly, we will focus on increasing our visibility and awareness through targeted marketing and outreach efforts, which will help us attract more participants, volunteers, and supporters to our cause. By implementing these strategies, we are confident that Military Adaptive Sports will experience substantial growth and impact over the next five years. Investing in Military Adaptive Sports offers investors the chance to be part of a growing and meaningful movement. As the organization continues to make a positive impact within the community of injured veterans and first responders, investors can contribute to the overall well-being of these individuals. This investment aligns with values such as compassion, empowerment, and community support, making it an appealing opportunity for those seeking both financial returns and social impact.

  • Self Identified Competition

    The top three competitors to Military Adaptive Sports are Wounded Warrior Project, Disabled Sports USA, and Semper Fi & America's Fund. According to their website, the Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) began in 2003 as a small, grassroots effort providing simple care and comfort items to the hospital bedsides of the first wounded service members returning home from the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. As their post-service needs evolved, so have our programs and services. Today, through our direct programs in mental health, career counseling,  long-term rehabilitative care, and advocacy efforts, we improve the lives of millions of warriors and their families. On its website, Disabled Sports USA contains chapter listings by state and offers information on how to get involved in sports programs for the disabled in different states. Disabled Sports USA is a national nonprofit organization established by disabled Vietnam veterans to serve the war injured. DS/USA offers nationwide sports rehabilitation programs to anyone with a permanent physical disability. Activities include winter skiing, water sports, summer and winter competitions, fitness and special sports events. A network of nationwide chapter's in every region provides a variety of recreation programs. Each chapter sets its own agenda and activities. From their website, The Fund is dedicated to providing immediate financial assistance and lifetime support to our Nation's critically wounded, ill, and injured service members, veterans, and military families. We operate our programs and services through a "needs-based" approach. Staff and volunteers work one-on-one with our service members, veterans, and military families–providing ongoing support for as long as legitimate needs require. Experienced at anticipating needs, our case managers often introduce new programs to further assist service members and military families throughout the journey to recovery and transition back into their communities. The Fund processes, on average, 150 grant requests each day. We typically deliver assistance within 24-48 hours of receiving an emergency request, and within a week for non-urgent cases.The top three competitors to Military Adaptive Sports are Wounded Warrior Project, Disabled Sports USA, and Semper Fi & America's Fund. Military Adaptive Sports stands out by prioritizing the inclusion of veterans and first responders in our sports programs. We have experienced exclusion from other organizations and are determined to uphold our commitment to inclusivity.

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