Motherknows | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 83-2585851
Location: Newark, NJ, United States
Length of Operation: 3
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
For expansion of office space, hire more employees, and to pay for whatever equipment needed.
Business Plan
To assist in homeless prevention, crime/ violence intervention etc. Having 7 years experience in violence intervention I have developed a lot of resources that allows active intervention , especially of those former released from prison, and to assist with trauma from battered women who needs immediate assistance. I too am a domestic violence survivor who aides in community awareness, as well as advocacy , education, training for a better outlet on life besides crime , and violence .
Self Identified Competition
three different organizations that does just referrals to shelter for homeless population, However doesn't have the resources , nor qualified employees to adie in addiction, crime prevention etc. Mother know has qualified case managers, violence interventionists , As well as direct contact with majority of all local assistance programs from county welfare , to different employment ventures throughout NewJersey for the immediate assistance in crime, violence homeless prevention.
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