U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 1:20 am UTC

3T1B Products Inc 83-3214372 | Government Grant Application

3T1B Products Inc | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 83-3214372

    Location: Carson City, NV, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    The company flagship product is a patented valve which provides firefighters an advantage when combating growing wildfires. Our company founder is a retired firefighter in Northern Nevada with over 29 years of service. The company was founded with a mission to enhance the safety, efficiency, and and productivity of wildland firefighters everywhere through recognized system needs. Fully self funded thus far, the next steps will include preparation for rapid growth and scaling, enhanced marketing strategies, inventory, additional product lines, research and development, and team development. Any founding secured this round will go directly towards these strategies. There is currently zero debt on the company and our intention is to maintain that by forming partnerships with shared ownership investors.

  • Business Plan

    Our flagship product has been accepted for federal approval testing. This is a monumental step in company growth. Once approved, our federal NFES number will allow this product to be listed in general inventory across all 16 federal firefighting warehouses nationwide. In addition, large government contracts will require rapid scaling and production so our product can be a stocked item at all wildfires across the US. This same concept is already underway in Canada as well through established distribution agreements. Over the next 5 years, we anticipate exponential growth as a result of the successes we’ve had with the execution of the current business plan and the opportunities ahead. Our company founder is a recently retired Fire Chief in the Northern Nevada area, having served since 1996. Over the span of this time he has also started and successfully exited three small businesses. His latest startup idea was based on a recognized deficiency in the world of wildfire. The journey began in 2019, and the patent was awarded in 2021. The company thus far has been fully self funded, and led by a team of hard working, dedicated, and fiercely determined individuals. The opportunity for investors at this stage of growth and potential is abundant. Proof of concept has been achieved and the next phases of growth and expansion will require funding sources. The company would prefer to also have the experience and expertise from investors who may share an interest in supporting the mission of growth and development. The impacts of wildfire are far reaching and include loss of life, damages to property and severe impacts to the environment. Our mission is to stop fires faster. If we achieve this on only one incident we will be a success. Sadly, one incident will never be enough and we hope to have many more successes in the years to come. This opportunity for investors is multi faceted. Be a part of a team that has done what is needed to get to this point, receive a virtually guaranteed return of multiple X on investment, and perhaps more importantly, be a part of having a real impact on devastating wildfire.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Current methods specific to our flagship product are outdated, slow, and have high margins for error. This is a tactic deployed on nearly every wildfire start. Sadly, this tactic has not seen technological advancement in decades, until now. Firefighters have been using the same methods and simply dealing with the related problems because that is what they do. This product is the only one of its kind to solve this issue. Current competitors, or standard appliances and techniques do not offer the all in one integrated functionality that our product does. Even better, we’ve been able to match costs of current appliances which eliminates that argument. Feedback from current customers and those that seen our product in action has been incredibly positive. As with any change, the challenges have been mostly related to large scale purchasing and resupply while on incident. What we’ve done is combine two different appliances into a single functional unit, allowing firefighters to operate safer, faster, and more effectively. Please see previous answer.

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