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September 8, 2024, 2:11 am UTC

JTA HVAC INC JTA HVAC INC | Government Grant Application

JTA HVAC INC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: JTA HVAC INC

    Location: GENEVA, OH, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: $1M to $10M

    Annual Gross Expense: $250k to $500k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    paying off debt, consolidating , and expanding my business , hiring a few more guys

  • Business Plan

    over the last 3 years ive brought in 9 employee purchased new trucks purchased a large shop with availability to provide more to my customer expanding in to multiple local areas expanding into more marketing looking to build a legacy to pass down to my kids This what ive done over the last 3 years i would like to double or triple that in the next 5 years why should you in vest in me! Where do i start i have worked my rear off from day one! Never had a hand out I'm the first one to show up and last one to leave! I've grown my business from me working out of pick up truck to a goal this year to do 1.7 million in business revenue in just 3 years I've had nothing but increased business revenue every year. Now at 7 full time employees all experienced in the trade I'm always looking for more ways to expand! I want to be the best the hvac company in north east Ohio and can give you many referrals!

  • Self Identified Competition

    My top 3 competitors (some who I've worked for) are only out for there own pocket book there not out to help the community! Most of the my competitors the business has been handed down to them or they've purchased an already up and running business! My business will be built not bought. I've been in this industry for years from building the equipment in factory to installing the equipment in the field both residential and commercial i did my due dilgence to pick up every bite of information i could before I started. Also these competitors there state of ohio hvac license some don't have it ( which is not good i bust my rear for mine) and some technically bought it again i earned mine What makes me different from everyone else when you google JTA HVAC INC and hit send it rings write to my phone! Your speaking to the owner and I'm the one who shows up to your house to do the estimate! Reason behind that is i want you as a customer to trust my business and I've something happens or an issues accrues i want you to be able to put a face or voice to a name and have someone you can count on to fix said issues! i don't hide behind a desk or phone and expect everyone else to do that for me i want to be in front of the customer to take the blame knock on wood we don't have many issues but i can tell that all my customers feel trust when it comes to JTA HVAC INC.

  • Contact Applicant

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