U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 1:32 am UTC

Don Candiani Productions 20-2432788 | Government Grant Application

Don Candiani Productions | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 20-2432788

    Location: Hartsville, TN, United States

    Length of Operation: 21

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    I plan on using the funds to cover expenses while I'm not working. Rent, utilities and expenses incurred for sessions that were cancelled or that were not paid by the contracting party since the virus and that I already completed work for. I currently owe musicians their recording fees and to cover the expenses for equipment purchased that I now can't use on the weddings that have cancelled.

  • Business Plan

    I will invest more in Tv and Film music production. I currently work for Warner Chappell producing music for TV and Film and plan and investing more on that side of the business to grow a great web based income source. For the photography side, I will offer live streaming of the weddings, so that my clients can opt to have a small gathering, yet guests can see the services taking place via the web, making sure to keep everyone safe and at the same time increase the revenue for my photography. Music production and photography is what I do. I have been successful at providing a steady income for my family for over 20 years doing so. I have worked as one of the top producers for Warner Chappel placing music in TV and film placing over 1200 tracks which over 50% of my catalog is currently being used. I plan on investing more on that side of my production instead of the live recording side to increase that revenue. I will not give up doing what I do and I plan on making both businesses successful with the current changes in the market. I will invest in alternate ways of providing my services to a more web based scenario, making my business even more profitable than it has been until now.

  • Self Identified Competition

    My top 3 competitors are web based musicians and producers, live cam offering photographers and bigger businesses. I am relentless and will not give up until I accomplish my goal. My family is my driving force, I have a wonderful wife and 6 kids I can not let down and need to provide for no matter what. I will increase my tv and film catalog, giving more opportunity to receive royalty income as well as produce for web based Artists.

  • Contact Applicant

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