U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 1:52 am UTC

PERS Now, LLC 5239231 | Government Grant Application

PERS Now, LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 5239231

    Location: MIDDLETOWN, OH, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    $17500 for administrative cost to craft and publish all Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) compliance documents required by both Ohio and Indiana in order to become and remained certified. $8500 for Equipment leasing and 24/7/365 central station monitoring services. $2500 for printing required consumer delivery confirmations, Terms and Conditions, HIPAA Privacy Notifications, and Release of Information policies for each consumer. $6500 for website development and printing informational product and service literature for consumers and agency staff.

  • Business Plan

    Significant and sustainable growth will come through contracting with: a) the Ohio Department of Medicaid and Department of Aging, Medicad Managed Care Organizations (MCO) and, b) the Indiana Medicaid, Family and Social Service Administration, Pathways on Aging and Medicaid Managed Care Organizations. We will have access to the entire Ohio and Indiana aged & disabled, TBI and developmental disability waiver consumers who are pre-authorized for personal emergency response systems (PERS/ERS). These populations grow and are funded consistently each year as these populations in both States increase in all categories of waiver programs. This is a recurring monthly revenue (RMR) business with a historical length on service of 32-37 months. Once we get a consumer, they typically only drop out due to poor customer service, death or moving into a care facility once they are unable to remain in the community. As a sales representative for 3 major personal emergency response systems (PERS/ERS) service providers in Ohio and Indiana for the past 9 years, I see huge gaps in service delivery due to the size of the provider organizations and lack of interest by management to comply and adhere to Administrative Codes. Non-compliance with a) limited time to activate authorized services and, b) poor compliance documentation, leave huge openings for smaller, more focused service providers to enter and excel in this space. Service coordinators at state agencies spend too much time answering to State auditors on why they chose these large service providers that are non-compliant and who show little effort in correcting their behavior; therefore, these service coordinators seek service vendors who will make their life easier, with less paperwork and who provide them the ability to focus on their core duties of consumer care and creating positive outcomes so individuals can remain safe in their home and community. Massive consolidation via M&A in the upper echelons of the PERS/ERS space in the past 5-7 years only exacerbate the issues at the state regulatory level. With the newly formed mega-players in the ERS/ERS space focusing most efforts on the Medicare Advantage elephants, there exists significant opportunity for PERS Now, LLC to focus on the basics of PERS/ERS delivery and grow into a sustainable business operation in just 18-24 months.

  • Self Identified Competition

    1. ModivCare: recently purchased 2 of the top 10 PERS/ERS providers including Guardian Medical Monitoring and Valued Relationships, Inc (VRI, an Ohio based company for 30+ years)--my first employer as a territory sales manager in the PERS/ERS space in 2015. I managed 17,000+ recurring monthly consumers in the Ohio Medicaid waiver program alone. 2. Best Buy Health: recently purchased another top 10 PERS/ ERS provider, Critical Signals Technologies. 3. Connect America: recently purchased Lifeline Systems Company (from Philips), who was the original PERS/ERS founder based in Massachusetts back in the early 1970s. I worked here from 2018 to 2021 as a territory sales manager (including Ohio and Indiana). I had over 9000 recurring monthly subscribers in Ohio and Indiana 4. Medical Guardian, LLC: recently purchased two top 10 players, Medscope America Corporation as well as PERS/ERS provider and manufacturer Archcare/Mobile Health. I worked here as a business development and contracting SME as the Director of Government Services for over 3 years. I stood up operations in Ohio and Indiana Medicaid Waiver programs and despite wearing too many hats and very little help or interest from management to focus on the basics, I grew the Medicaid Waiver business from zero to nearly 2500 recurring monthly subscribers. It is clear to see the consolidation in the top 10 has left significant opportunity to enter the space and do the right thing for the consumer and the state agency partners. In all the cases above, the focus is now on the big fish, Medicare Advantage, and being able to reach 1 million subscribers. No longer are these top 10 players focused on the Medicaid waiver and HCBS consumers that once were their main source of revenue and what made them outstanding in the space. We will capitalize on their exit. By focusing on Ohio and Indiana, who both are consumer choice programs and both provide above average reimbursement rates for PERS/ERS, we will concentrate on getting back to basics: open and regular communication with state Medicaid waiver referral agencies, always meeting State regulations in the timeframe to activate authorized services with consumers, outstanding customer service with agency partners and the consumers who rely on PERS Now, LLC for peace of mind and safety, and strictly adhering to all documentation requirements by Administrative Code of both Ohio and Indiana. Meeting and exceeding these basic fundamentals will quickly provide service coordinators a safe and reliable PERS/ERS service vendor who allows them to focus on their job of keeping the elderly and disabled consumers of Ohio and Indiana in their homes and communities, which will save them valuable time in disciplinary paperwork caused by the inadequacies of today's mega-service providers. Word of mouth travels quickly within the agency ranks and PERS Now, LLC will benefit quickly from our "return-to-basics" service approach.

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