Achieve & Thrive Occupational Therapy Services | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 591373838
Location: Abany, GA, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
The funds will be used to renovate and update a building and convert it into a sensory-integration clinic in which children with various special needs and ages can receive specialized occupational therapy intervention.
Business Plan
Achieve & Thrive will continue to network with pediatricians, chiropractors and therapists in the community. Since starting the business 5 months ago, the caseload has increased to 7 clients (9-10 sessions per week), one infant massage parent group per week, 1-2 telehealth sessions per week. The amount of treatment sessions can increase if less time is spent travelling to the homes. Telehealth is an evolving industry. In response to this climate, Achieve & Thrive will offer: • Consulting services through Telehealth; • In-person individualized occupational therapy services, as well as • Small group parent training and education. We plan to increase the parent groups to 3-5 groups per week. Since there are no existing private occupational therapy practices serving the Albany, Georgia area, Achieve & Thrive will be the first to offer private, specialized pediatric occupational therapy assessments and therapy intervention.
Self Identified Competition
One pediatric occupational therapist is currently contracted through a behavioral center. She is limited in serving children who attend the center and cannot serve other clients in the community. The local medical center has an occupational therapy department that is currently understaffed. Achieve & Thrive has a distinct advantage due to the following reasons: 1) Dr. Tania Stegen-Hanson is the only occupational therapist in the area with Board Certification in Pediatrics by the American Occupational Therapy Association 2) Dr. Tania Stegen-Hanson is the only occupational therapist in the area with a doctorate in occupational therapy (having obtained further education in validity of current, best-evidence based treatment techniques to enhance efficacy of occupational therapy treatment in private practice) 3) Dr. Tania Stegen-Hanson has over 25 years experience owning and operating a private, pediatric practice in Las Vegas, Nevada. Her practice was profitable and successful in the ever increasing competitive market. 4) There is an overwhelming need in the community for children to receive early intervention in feeding, oral motor development and play development. Children are not being effectively followed after discharge from the NICU. Parents require education on motor milestones and play development. 5) Dr. Tania Stegen-Hanson has experience providing therapy to families from diverse cultures across the world. She has implemented therapy programs and educated therapists in the UK, Nigeria, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia. She desires to provide excellent service to families regardless of their income status and therefore provides 20% of her time to helping families who cannot afford to pay for services.
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