U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 1:41 am UTC

Kiss the Earth landscaping LLC 93-2057603 | Government Grant Application

Kiss the Earth landscaping LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 93-2057603

    Location: Chesterfield, MI, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    If we are granted this request, we will first use this money to upgrade all of our equipment. Our machines are outdated and due to this, they cost more to repair. Repair time takes twice as long due to the fact that they are outdated and typically have to rebuild or special order parts. Upgraded machines will give us the ability to add on more clients as well as payroll. This will rapidly increase our weekly workload and will set our business up for success. We would also use these funds to purchase a small property to house our equipment, work on our machines, and open a small office for administrative purposes. Thw funds will help to purchase office equipment as well. We are a family owned and operated company, and one of our dreams is to become well established so we can help others. One of our ideas on how we can give back to the community is by purchasing a piece of property and building a community garden, which we will maintain and harvest. Another way we would love to help is by cleaning up rural properties and helping thoes that are less fortunate. We would love to help in areas of concern if this request is granted!

  • Business Plan

    In the next 5 years, we would like to have three crews assigned separate weekly routes. All three crews would be equipped with their own trucks and necessary equipment to set them up for success. We would like to have a property purchased with a yard for storage and maintenance along with a small office space for administrative purposes and regular team meetings. In 5 years, we would like to be helping communities in need and making neglected landscape more visually appealing. We would also love to provide a community garden which we will regularly maintain, to help thoes who are less fortunate. We are family owned and operated, which is a trait that the community values when searching for a landscaping company. We take pride in the work we do and treat all of our clients like family, as it should be. We are committed to giving back and helping others, so potential future investments in our company will not only help build our business and set us up for success, but will also build back our local communities. We believe that local communities should work together and help each other and we also believe that if more people had this mentality, the world would reflect a lot less division. Put simply, we are passionate. We love the work we do and we want to make the world a better place. We would love to be considered and thank anyone for considering!

  • Self Identified Competition

    Big lakes Redline Great Lakes We are different from our competitors because we are driven with heart and passion to help others. While we value standard business practices and strive for financial success, our goal is ultimately to pour into our local communities. Our three top competitors are all corporations owned by several people. Because they are money driven and focus strictly on numbers, this mentality reflects in their work and we typically end up getting their clients that were left displeased with their services and lack of genuine care. Our clients want to keep us because we care for their yards as we would our own and we present ourselves in a respectful, professional manner. Our slogan is "where passion meets lawncare" because we want everyone to know that they are paying for good, honest work. No matter how successful our company becomes, we will never loose thoes core values.

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