U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 16, 2024, 7:13 pm UTC

Anderson Technical Solutions, LLC 833876142 | Government Grant Application

Anderson Technical Solutions, LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 833876142

    Location: Venice, FL, United States

    Length of Operation: 6-10

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: $1M to $10M

    Annual Gross Expense: $1M to $10M

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    Proper set up of payroll account, website development, w2 employees, training programs, apprenticeship programs for the major installation contracts coming 2025 through 2028. Current estimate for two projects is 4400 vehicles. ATS needs to scale up in order to satisfy contractual obligations.

  • Business Plan

    ATS has a projected growth of 400% over the next five years. Currently there are two contracts we have been invited to bit which total $8 million in revenue. 2022 $1.6 Million, 2023 $2 million, 2024 Projected $2.5. We have seen a steady increase in awarded contracts due to the high standard applied to all of our work and the relationships we have built with our clients. ATS has two requests to bid LA Metro to begin installations in late 2025 and also MTA of NY for a large paratransit installation. We also have conversations and interest from clients regarding the design and fabrication of custom parts. ATS is committed to excellence in leadership, a high standard from all employees and contractors. We see the need to certify all contractors and feel that investment will return even greater gains. We are DBE certified in 32 states with plans in place to finalize certifying in all 50 states and territories. Our closest competitor is certified in 4 states which is why we have now received 90% of all awarded installations from our largest client. An investment in ATS would serve to increase employment numbers nationwide as our clients are in mass transit. The recent infrastructure bill was $17 trillion, part of that is to upfit the nations mass transit fleet with the latest technology.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Elite installations - Florida - Poor reputation for treatment of employees. Average hourly rate $18 for highly skilled work. ATS $30 per hour and greater. Contractors are paid per vehicle. For Transit - Lost contractors due to mismanagement of revenue, dropped from vendor in favor of ATS 123 Installs - Cannot handle large scale projects ie: sites over 25 vehicles ATS has diversity at its core. Our technicians come from many career backgrounds. Attorney, accountant, systems administrator, cisco tech, mechanics, residential and commercial construction, military veterans (Army and Marine), we have apprenticeship opportunities in order to grow to meet the demands that this industry is ramping up to. I stated before we are certified in 32 states with the remainder in near plans to complete.

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