U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 16, 2024, 7:12 pm UTC

Genesis Notary 994149136 | Government Grant Application

Genesis Notary | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 994149136

    Location: McKinney, TX, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    I am currently employed and am working on this business part time. I would like to be able to concentrate solely on my company. I would use these funds to build the website needed to manage the oncall process from escrow companies to my notaries. When a signing is needed it will reach out to my notaries and allow who picks up the offer to accept the job. It’s a way to streamline the filling of a specific job. I would also use it to build my online social media presence because I don’t do social media and struggle with working the many different platforms. My goal with this company is to change the way the industry does business and quite over charging the escrow companies and start paying the notaries more than what signing companies currently pay. Signing companies typically keep 50%-70% of the fees. I know I can do something to help the sole owner notaries be able to make more in a challenging industry.

  • Business Plan

    By first changing the way the fees are distributed between the escrow, signing companies, and notaries so be competitive and gain volume of clients instead of going after the dollar amount. There is a delicate balance there but if executed well it will change the industry. Also by providing detailed training to the notaries so that the service we provide to the escrow/title companies is far above the current standard. There are many mistakes that should not happen at a signing based on the way the industry currently is operating and also because the standards signing companies require from a notary are low because they are just wanting to pump revenue. I have cold called many escrow companies asking what they see as opportunity within this industry and it is very common, it the quality of the service/people (notaries) being provided which causes more work or delayed closing which in turn causes loss revenue for escrow/title companies or even the buyer and sellers of real estate. I believe you should invest in me because I have created a business plan have a structured lay out of the steps I need to take to make this business work. I am willing to get my hands and knees dirty and get out there until I make it a success . I am relentless at reaching my goals and expectations and believe that God has given me this opportunity to make a difference. I want use my notary business to help people but for that to happen this company has to succeed. Thank you for the opportunity. I know I have asked for a lot of help but will be grateful for any assistance or advise you can give.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Executive Signing Services Signature Closers Bancserv What makes me different from my competitors will be the way the fees are distributed. I will not overcharge the Escrow/title companies like the current signing companies do. I will also pay the notaries more to gain higher quality and loyal notaries to my business. I will expect and require specific training and development from the notaries that my company sources out. We will be a truly professional, high quality provider.

  • Contact Applicant

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