U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 16, 2024, 7:07 pm UTC

Arroliga Transportation Services LLC Arroliga Transportation Services LLC | Government Grant Application

Arroliga Transportation Services LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: Arroliga Transportation Services LLC

    Location: Turnersville, NJ, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: $500k to $1M

    Annual Gross Expense: $500k to $1M

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    We plan on using our funding to improve our current vehicles and towards equipment to better serve our customers. We would like to further expand operations by purchasing more assets and towards operations expenses.

  • Business Plan

    As a small business, we would like to continue to build our foundation as a motor carrier to better offer services to our customers. With assistance, we look to forward to expand our fleet and offer employment to individuals who are looking for a change in career, specifically first responders who could use the career change due to trauma. I myself am a Law Enforcement Officer who choose to change my career due to PTSD. As previous Law Enforcement and a person dedicated to providing exceptional customer service. I know that I can continue to grow my company and become one of the leaders in the transportation industry.

  • Self Identified Competition

    I wish I could say there is only three, but there are many trucking companies out there. If I had to choose 3, I would say JB HUNT, EVANS Transportation and Tristate. These are large companies that unlike mine have a strong hold in the industry. Although they are large, These companies undercut their drivers and try and keep the majority of the profits to themselves. I myself, provide my drivers with 75 to 80 percent of the profit margin. Honesty, Integrity and a commitment to my drivers. Not a commitment to my pocket.

  • Contact Applicant

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